The computer industry seems to have hit a wall.
hit a wall???
dell is getting what deserves for screwing up so many customers.
Hardware is cheaper than ever, more compatible than ever and constantly improving. Intel has just released a superb new processor line, AMD have a strong and very competitive processor line. There is strong healthy competition in every area of hardware : processors, memory, graphics cards, hard drives, cases, motherboards. This has resulted in great prices, quality and compatibility. All the major innovations in processors have gone smoothly, 32->64, dual core, virtualization, etc.
This is mostly thanks to Microsofts lack of progress in the last years since the release of XP, they haven't broken all the hardware compatibilty.
In the software world there is a huge array of quality free applications, Linux/GNU is incredibly powerful, adaptable, and nearing perfection everyday.
I reckon the computer industry is one of the greatest periods of its existance. 5 years ago memory was very expensive, amd and intel had hit a processor frequency barrier.
It hasn't hit a wall at all but it has plateaued in terms of innovation. I really think the biggest problem is the lack of change in input/output devices. We have been using 2d raster displays, speakers, keyboards and mouses for the last 2 decades and they greatly restrict interaction with software.
we need the gloves from minority report and 3d holographic displays ...
.. that will revolutionise the computing industry again.