Author Topic: Let's make a list of why Windows sucks  (Read 17569 times)


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Re: Let's make a list of why Windows sucks
« Reply #60 on: 13 August 2007, 21:23 »
Not fucking likely, piratePenguin. Their stranglehold on the computer market will make sure that the failure of their OSs will never be, because they will force software companies to promote and sell their systems only and no other operating systems, AND to send their software to the top ranks in all the places they can get their arses over to.
Users of Windows who don't know about Microsoft's evil tactics or the basic ins and outs of computing think that their brags about their OSs are true because of this, and this is why many computer illiterates will always believe that if a computer or operating system is not new, it is 'out-of-date'. Adding to this is the fact that many computer-illiterate people think that Microsoft's newer systems are faster, more secure, and so on, half because of the fact that they don't even know what sodding hardware they've got, and because they are led to believe that new = better, faster, and more secure - and as we've all seen this is not the case.
Check out the thread 'You know what pisses me off?' in The Moron Zone for more examples of complete computer illiteracy. I personally don't believe in a machine being out of date - what's the point of throwing out a perfectly good machine just because you've had it for a few years?
"Ooh, look! A new Windows system hasbeen released! Better buy a new computer."
It seems just a shame that a few people do not even know that OSs other than Windows exist, and that they can still use their older machine even if the new version of Windows will not run on it, because they can simply use older or different systems, right? It's only true, though many just buy new computers for the sake of it.
You wouldn't chuck out your car just because it got too old, would ya? Exactly.

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Re: Let's make a list of why Windows sucks
« Reply #61 on: 14 August 2007, 03:54 »
Quote from: piratePenguin
With each new release, the user interface changes considerably, to the point that users fear Windows upgrades.

Compare that to OS X, for example (if they could just afford it, everyone would upgrade).

Windows is going to fail.

Windows 95,98, 2000 and ME. XP to Vista was probably the largest difference?

Heres another reason why windows sucks.
It takes my vista computer around 5 minutes to shut down, but under 30 seconds to boot. Go figure.


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Re: Let's make a list of why Windows sucks
« Reply #62 on: 14 August 2007, 04:04 »
Quote from: _LiquidOxygen
Check out the thread 'You know what pisses me off?' in The Moron Zone for more examples of complete computer illiteracy. I personally don't believe in a machine being out of date - what's the point of throwing out a perfectly good machine just because you've had it for a few years?

I have lots of spare machines kicking around, I used to use them as servers/routers and would still like to, but the power to run them cost too much, so all my servers are now Xen domains on one decent machine.
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 ------END GEEK CODE BLOCK------


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Re: Let's make a list of why Windows sucks
« Reply #63 on: 14 August 2007, 13:49 »
The largest change in the Windows interface was from Windows 3.11 to Windows 95; from then to Windows ME it changed very little, then XP wasn't much different apart from being a step back of course. I don't know about Vista though as I have never used it and don't intend on doing so.
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Re: Let's make a list of why Windows sucks
« Reply #64 on: 28 August 2007, 06:17 »
Wow, those reasons listed are all the reasons I can think of except for perhaps that I dislike microsoft windows for being such a sloppy system that never does a complete job at deleting files. OTherwise, how is that registry errors and fragmented files occur that slow the operating system down over time and make you upgrade your ram and processor for no good reason unless you deframent and clean the registry? Even after you clean the disk of unnecessary clutter, it's never the same after you use it. Just plain sloppy.
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Re: Let's make a list of why Windows sucks
« Reply #65 on: 28 August 2007, 11:20 »
As far as I know, Vista has got a similar kind of interface to Windows XP, but it just looks slightly different to the one in XP. Trouble is, it is more difficult to navigate around and find what you want using it.


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Re: Let's make a list of why Windows sucks
« Reply #66 on: 28 August 2007, 21:46 »
Vista is born dead!


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Re: Let's make a list of why Windows sucks
« Reply #67 on: 31 August 2007, 03:42 »
Quote from: pofnlice
Because to use it you have to pay anywhere from $150 - $300. Why? I all ready spen x amount on the computer!

What are you talking about, back when I used to use windows (I'm at the college right now on a XP machine supposedly working) it didn't cost a di. . . OH wait you BUY your copies legitimately I see. . .

Yeah I guess that's one reason to hate Windows, it turned me into a "criminal". . . sure whatever.

I guess I hate how I can't drag the cursor over an unfocused application and use the scroll wheel on it.

I hate how the start button stares at me for hours and hours. . . I used to change it to read "Fuck" or "Sucks."


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Re: Let's make a list of why Windows sucks
« Reply #68 on: 24 September 2007, 18:49 »
- pop-up baloons from tray
- bad power management in fuckin vista - can't wake up from suspend to ram
- huge overhead, which gets bigger with every release so people have to buy new expensive hardware
- games are made for windows only, and people(kids) start using computers for playing games, so they don't know there is something else out there besides windows
- you pay a lot of money for mostly nothing - I think the only progam i use in windows is the clipboard, the rest is free software like firefox, openoffice, foxit, irfanview, winamp or itunes, vlc
- did I say I use openoffice? that's right microsuck try and charge me $300 for office!
- no live session when u install so your computer is useless until you get everything up and running, like, after 3 hours of installing chipset drivers/video/sound/bla bla bla
- every application made for windows has great overhead itself, ex yahoo messenger, steam, ie7; that's right, who knows what the fuck are they doing behind the scenes!!!

more later
Fuck you Microsoft, too!


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Re: Let's make a list of why Windows sucks
« Reply #69 on: 24 September 2007, 18:57 »
oh oh, activation, yes, you wouldnt believe what I have to put up with to get a code by phone after using all my 10 activations. how did I get to use them all? well,the system doesn't work right after three months of usage, so I have to reinstall damn it
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Re: Let's make a list of why Windows sucks
« Reply #70 on: 24 September 2007, 19:11 »
oh oh, it took them how many years to make Vista??
hahahahahaah that's so fuckin pathetic :))
Fuck you Microsoft, too!


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Re: Let's make a list of why Windows sucks
« Reply #71 on: 24 September 2007, 21:43 »
Edit ???


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Re: Let's make a list of why Windows sucks
« Reply #72 on: 25 September 2007, 15:49 »
nah, i like me signature as it is
Fuck you Microsoft, too!


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Re: Let's make a list of why Windows sucks
« Reply #73 on: 25 September 2007, 17:08 »
It implies that you may be saying this quote to someone else on these forums. And Microsoft is spelled wrong.


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Re: Let's make a list of why Windows sucks
« Reply #74 on: 25 September 2007, 18:06 »
All it say's is "I'm dyslexic, I can't spell!"
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Oh and FUCKMicrosoft! :fu: