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Let's make a list of why Windows sucks

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As far as I know, Vista has got a similar kind of interface to Windows XP, but it just looks slightly different to the one in XP. Trouble is, it is more difficult to navigate around and find what you want using it.

Vista is born dead!


--- Quote from: pofnlice ---Because to use it you have to pay anywhere from $150 - $300. Why? I all ready spen x amount on the computer!
--- End quote ---

What are you talking about, back when I used to use windows (I'm at the college right now on a XP machine supposedly working) it didn't cost a di. . . OH wait you BUY your copies legitimately I see. . .

Yeah I guess that's one reason to hate Windows, it turned me into a "criminal". . . sure whatever.

I guess I hate how I can't drag the cursor over an unfocused application and use the scroll wheel on it.

I hate how the start button stares at me for hours and hours. . . I used to change it to read "Fuck" or "Sucks."

- pop-up baloons from tray
- bad power management in fuckin vista - can't wake up from suspend to ram
- huge overhead, which gets bigger with every release so people have to buy new expensive hardware
- games are made for windows only, and people(kids) start using computers for playing games, so they don't know there is something else out there besides windows
- you pay a lot of money for mostly nothing - I think the only progam i use in windows is the clipboard, the rest is free software like firefox, openoffice, foxit, irfanview, winamp or itunes, vlc
- did I say I use openoffice? that's right microsuck try and charge me $300 for office!
- no live session when u install so your computer is useless until you get everything up and running, like, after 3 hours of installing chipset drivers/video/sound/bla bla bla
- every application made for windows has great overhead itself, ex yahoo messenger, steam, ie7; that's right, who knows what the fuck are they doing behind the scenes!!!

more later

oh oh, activation, yes, you wouldnt believe what I have to put up with to get a code by phone after using all my 10 activations. how did I get to use them all? well,the system doesn't work right after three months of usage, so I have to reinstall damn it


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