Ok, after realizing that my DI-604 is quite possibly a flaming POS, I want to build my own router out of a box of hardware (also I think it'd be super cool to say I have a router with a 3dfx Voodoo2, lol)
I'm thinking multiple CPU systems, running openmosix so that it works like an SMP (not so it has a higher GFlop rating, but so it can do more things @ once)
my question is how do I connect it into the network? modem -> eth card 1 -> it -> eth card 2 -> switch, that should work right?
also, what OS would be good to run in addition to openmosix and Debian (or can I just pick another OS entirely and still get firewall/routing features?)
just remembered i have a P4 2GHZ, I could just use that, lol
What OS is best though? ClarkConnect? m0n0wall? smoothwall GPL?