Author Topic: ReactOS 0.3.0 released  (Read 19074 times)


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Re: ReactOS 0.3.0 released
« Reply #15 on: 3 September 2006, 17:48 »
Quote from: Aloone_Jonez
About notepad, the origional post reffered to Notepad2 which is a thrid party enhanced text editor adn has nothing to do with MS Notepad.

oh, Notepad2 ? Never heard of it.


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Re: ReactOS 0.3.0 released
« Reply #16 on: 3 September 2006, 18:07 »
Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H
oh, Notepad2 ? Never heard of it.
Licensed under the GPL too ;)
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Re: ReactOS 0.3.0 released
« Reply #17 on: 4 September 2006, 02:40 »
pP, i remeber how i got firefox working, reactOS had an option built right into to download firefox, i think it may have been a tweaked firefox to work right.


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Re: ReactOS 0.3.0 released
« Reply #18 on: 4 September 2006, 09:05 » roX0rs :P

[ahem that is program not a web site]


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Re: ReactOS 0.3.0 released
« Reply #19 on: 4 September 2006, 13:23 »
notepad2 is one of the best freeware programming editors for windows, runs well on every version of windows (even on a P100 with win95)
notepad++ is also very good but a bit bigger.

currently I use Kate and Scite in linux, both a great.
gedits ok but gnomes poor performance means I use xubuntu/scite instead.


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Re: ReactOS 0.3.0 released
« Reply #20 on: 5 September 2006, 19:44 »
i always thought gnome had poor performance. luckily, in the last year or so it has finally come up to par for me, YMMV though. i prefer its interface to KDE so i was finally able to "switch"!

this is in fedora though, i stuill find ubuntu's gnome broken (and yes i know all about kubuntu, but i prefer a working gnome, such as i have, i prefer it to some cheap windows clone too by the way!) :-)
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Re: ReactOS 0.3.0 released
« Reply #21 on: 5 September 2006, 21:14 »
[offtopic]what's wrong with ubuntu's gnome?[/offtopic]
"What you share with the world is what it keeps of you."
 - Noah And The Whale: Give a little love

a poem by my computer, Macintosh Vigilante
Macintosh amends a damned around the requested typewriter. Macintosh urges a scarce design. Macintosh postulates an autobiography. Macintosh tolls the solo variant. Why does a winter audience delay macintosh? The maker tosses macintosh. Beneath female suffers a double scum. How will a rat cube the heavier cricket? Macintosh calls a method. Can macintosh nest opposite the headache? Macintosh ties the wrong fairy. When can macintosh stem the land gang? Female aborts underneath macintosh. Inside macintosh waffles female. Next to macintosh worries a well.


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Re: ReactOS 0.3.0 released
« Reply #22 on: 6 September 2006, 00:45 »
did you try XFCE or fluxbox ? (they're much better I think ... although fewer built-in features)


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Re: ReactOS 0.3.0 released
« Reply #23 on: 7 September 2006, 00:30 »
yes i love xfce however it is difficult to get it set up right i think and even then it lacks a couple of things in gnome i have not been able to live without.

ubuntu's gnome just doesn't work for me. mysterious crashes and seizes and huge bitmapping glitches when you least want them are the order of the day, just like gnome in general for me until recently.

i am sure there are those out there who will point to my X configuration though. Oddly these problems rarely if ever manifested themselves in KDE (and XFce) in the same operating environment.
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Re: ReactOS 0.3.0 released
« Reply #24 on: 8 September 2006, 07:13 »
You know, I think FreeDOS is cool, but I'd rather have a kick ass WINE than REACTOS.  I never thought Windows NT was really nifty to start with, so I don't really GET the idea of a WinNT clone.
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Re: ReactOS 0.3.0 released
« Reply #25 on: 27 September 2006, 21:13 »
I have high hopes for ReactOS and it would be nice to see it becoming as usable as Windows 98 or more unrealistically, Windows XP. If we had a free open source OS that could run anything that MS Windows could run, then we could throw away Windows once and for all. I would dual-boot ReactOS and Linux--two great types of systems, both being free (as in beer and speech). If the PC's of the world were dominated by free open source OS's, then how could, for example, the RIAA, an American group, tell some developer in, for example, in Asia that his OS must always include DRM or else? Free operating systems are free from the clutches of evil monopolies and big organizations that do not care about the customers' rights.

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Re: ReactOS 0.3.0 released
« Reply #26 on: 27 September 2006, 21:23 »
Good first post!

And welcome to microsuck!


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Re: ReactOS 0.3.0 released
« Reply #27 on: 27 September 2006, 23:14 »
Thank you. I would help with the React OS project if I knew how to develop operating systems and had enough time to do so. I barely have time to try to develop software that can do my Linear Algebra homework for me.

I still buy CD's whenever I have extra money but I am not about to pop it into the PC unless I've got Suse Linux running. Not only does Windows Media Player fail to render the speed of the song properly, I also don't want a big corporate-made virus. I haven't  tried to listen to a music CD under Suse Linux 10.1 yet but whenever I need to I will try it. It should work since mp3-playback also works out of the box.

I cannot wait for ReactOS to become beta software. Whenever that time comes, I will make a LiveCD of it and try it. And if M$ dares to try to f*** this effort up through groundless lawsuits, I will help people get a free copy of Windows XP. (Not through downloading or hacked kernels--I've got my method which I cannot reveal.) They already are annoying me with their news of a stupid groundless DRM hacker lawsuit. Either that, or I will encourage people to try newb-friendly Linux distros and give them a burnt CD of freeware games for Linux as well.

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Re: ReactOS 0.3.0 released
« Reply #28 on: 28 September 2006, 00:39 »
Quote from: the_darkside_986
Thank you. I would help with the React OS project if I knew how to develop operating systems and had enough time to do so. I barely have time to try to develop software that can do my Linear Algebra homework for me.

I still buy CD's whenever I have extra money but I am not about to pop it into the PC unless I've got Suse Linux running. Not only does Windows Media Player fail to render the speed of the song properly, I also don't want a big corporate-made virus. I haven't  tried to listen to a music CD under Suse Linux 10.1 yet but whenever I need to I will try it. It should work since mp3-playback also works out of the box.

I cannot wait for ReactOS to become beta software. Whenever that time comes, I will make a LiveCD of it and try it. And if M$ dares to try to f*** this effort up through groundless lawsuits, I will help people get a free copy of Windows XP. (Not through downloading or hacked kernels--I've got my method which I cannot reveal.) They already are annoying me with their news of a stupid groundless DRM hacker lawsuit. Either that, or I will encourage people to try newb-friendly Linux distros and
 give them a burnt CD of freeware games for Linux as well.

yes, cause that would be agaisnt forum rules


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Re: ReactOS 0.3.0 released
« Reply #29 on: 28 September 2006, 06:47 »
and many other rules and laws as well