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2 M$ Windoze questions....WebTV & WIN XP MCE

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I just remembered that in Windoze 98 (Original, not Second Edition) Micro$it included something called WebTV, which was actually a true optional feature which could be installed/uninstalled. The feature was then suddenly removed from Win98 SE and all future Windoze. Not that I actually care, but I'm just curious as to why they removed it.

And another question..just what the fucking hell exactly is WinXP Media Center Edition? Everything I read about it gives conflicting answers. Once again, not that I ever plan to use it but I'm just wondering: is it an "OS" that you can get, or must it come with a ready computer? And what exactly is the point of it? I mean I really see no point to it. I have a fantastic cable tv tuner and capture card, firewire, tv-out in my PC that can run both on Win2k and even Linux (tho I never tried yet).

Windows Media Center Computer:
   No it's not a cable outage.
   No it's not a Special News Bulletin.
   But we interrupt the show in progress to bring you this BSOD.

media center edition is an OEM-only add on to XP Pro for "media center" computers. that is, boxes that have certain hardware, including a certain level of video card and a remote control

as for WebTV for Windows? that's what it became

WebTV for Windows was not removed from Windows 98SE. It is on my Windows 98SE Full and my Windows 98SE Upgrade discs(One of the optional components that you can install). It is also an optional component for Windows ME.

It isn't in any NT OS variants.

You can mod any Windows XP Professional installation to be Windows XP Media Center. It isn't very useful unless you have supported hardware to take advantage of what Media Center has to offer though.

[ August 28, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]

Proof that WebTV was not removed from Windows 98 SE or Windows ME.

[ August 28, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]


quote:Originally posted by Zombie9920:
Proof that WebTV was not removed from Windows 98 SE or Windows ME.

[ August 28, 2003: Message edited by: Zombie9920 ]
--- End quote ---

Hey, I'm just wondering what Linux that is in the background and what X it's running with.


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