Author Topic: Why hello there!  (Read 5505 times)


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Re: Why hello there!
« Reply #45 on: 12 September 2006, 05:47 »
Quote from: worker201
I know what town YOU live in.  I was talking to GenuineAdvantage.

Well, you could have been talking for everyone else.


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Re: Why hello there!
« Reply #46 on: 12 September 2006, 08:32 »
Quote from: "Orethrius"
After all, running Windows without a decent anti-virus is like walking through a Red Light District after eating five metric tonnes of Viagra.


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Re: Why hello there!
« Reply #47 on: 13 September 2006, 01:49 »
Quote from: Refalm
I don't like my country that much,

why not ? what's wrong with the Netherlands ? (only thing that bothered me was the pointless No Smoking signs in the Amsterdam airport ... everyone smoked everywhere, and the smoke got everywhere anyway ... but unless you live in the airport that shouldn't matter)


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Re: Why hello there!
« Reply #48 on: 13 September 2006, 01:58 »
Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H
why not ? what's wrong with the Netherlands ? (only thing that bothered me was the pointless No Smoking signs in the Amsterdam airport ... everyone smoked everywhere, and the smoke got everywhere anyway ... but unless you live in the airport that shouldn't matter)

I plan to go there one day. somebody told me it's the smoking (ganja) mecca. :eek:


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Re: Why hello there!
« Reply #49 on: 13 September 2006, 02:25 »
Quote from: etement
I plan to go there one day. somebody told me it's the smoking (ganja) mecca. :eek:

How many times have you quit now?


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Re: Why hello there!
« Reply #50 on: 13 September 2006, 10:50 »
Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H
why not ? what's wrong with the Netherlands ? (only thing that bothered me was the pointless No Smoking signs in the Amsterdam airport ... everyone smoked everywhere, and the smoke got everywhere anyway ... but unless you live in the airport that shouldn't matter)

The political climate has gone all conservative and liberal.
But you tourists won't notice anything, this only affects those who actually live here.
Quote from: etement
I plan to go there one day. somebody told me it's the smoking (ganja) mecca.

I guess if you're used to shitty drugs laws, it is ;)


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Re: Why hello there!
« Reply #51 on: 13 September 2006, 21:45 »
well, i might agree that the drugs laws in netherlands are shitty, however i have to say the ones in the UK are shittier (basically it's "illegal drugs are bad mkay, legal drugs are good *). i suspect a properly administrated set of drugs laws on the model of the netherlands would work best, but then a properly administrated set of laws about anything has a high chance of being better than what we usually have to put up with.

* we're talking about valium, methodone, all sorts of steroids and downers, it's shocking what you can put your body through legally and they don't tell you the risks!
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Re: Why hello there!
« Reply #52 on: 13 September 2006, 21:59 »
Quote from: Calum
well, i might agree that the drugs laws in netherlands are shitty

I was refering to the US drugs law being shitty :rolleyes:


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Re: Why hello there!
« Reply #53 on: 13 September 2006, 22:08 »
Do you realize that if there were no drinking age fewer people would drink. The fact that you restrict people from doing something makes them want to do it even more. (at least that's the theory behind it, and I believe it makes a lot of sense)

For example ... if a book is banned what do you wanna do ? read it, of course ... no, no, you have to not read it cuz it's not meant for you to know ...


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Re: Why hello there!
« Reply #54 on: 13 September 2006, 22:48 »
Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H
Do you realize that if there were no drinking age fewer people would drink. The fact that you restrict people from doing something makes them want to do it even more.

I don't think your theory tells the whole story.  Some people want to get fucked up, and that's the plain simple truth.  Access isn't even an issue.  Drink and drug restrictions are nothing more than an annoyance to the would-be user - a hurdle between the craver and his satisfaction.

However, we don't want 9-year-olds buying beer, do we?


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Re: Why hello there!
« Reply #55 on: 14 September 2006, 05:28 »
Why not ? I drank beer when I was 9 ... got kinda drunk too, passed out watching Garfield ... had strange dreams ... (sadly I'm not kidding)


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Re: Why hello there!
« Reply #56 on: 14 September 2006, 14:01 »
Quote from: worker201
I don't think your theory tells the whole story.  Some people want to get fucked up, and that's the plain simple truth.  Access isn't even an issue.  Drink and drug restrictions are nothing more than an annoyance to the would-be user - a hurdle between the craver and his satisfaction.

However, we don't want 9-year-olds buying beer, do we?

I actually know some 9-year-olds drinking tafel beer (don't know the English word for it, but it's low on alcohol).

If it's under parental supervision, why not?


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Re: Why hello there!
« Reply #57 on: 14 September 2006, 20:23 »
i think that if there is a substance abuse problem, whatever the substance, then having the possession of such a substance to be against the law will always drive the problem underground and make it harder to deal with.

why in this case are a lot of "recreational" drugs against the law? if they were not illegal, the bottom would fall out of the black market and a lot fewer people would be taking them (i think).
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Re: Why hello there!
« Reply #58 on: 18 September 2006, 12:57 »
why in this case are a lot of "recreational" drugs against the law? if they were not illegal, the bottom would fall out of the black market and a lot fewer people would be taking them (i think).

preaching to the masses here, the current generation is pretty informed of the facts. Its the previous generation that think cannabis is the work of the devil.

However, I am not entirely convinced that cannabis does not cause mental health problems in teenagers. I know a couple of people that have lost friends/family to the drug (not as in death but paranoid schizophrenia). You can tell if someone has smoked pot a lot in the past just intuitively, by  how they talk and handle themselves, that is a reflection of the permanent effect it has on the brain when overused.


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Re: Why hello there!
« Reply #59 on: 18 September 2006, 17:26 »
I think Pathos may be onto something
you know teenagers are like still developing so when the brain
is not yet solid it might be vounerable(misspelled)  to drug attacks
as in they get more high and it is more dangerous ;]
so its still "wait to grow up if you wanna stay normal" (as in not mad)