All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
DRM: where Microsoft's priorities lie
You are surprised by the fact that money is #1??
Don't you ever deal with old guys who run stuff? Well I do. You can learn a lot from them, like that not getting in the way of business is much more important than anything else, for the good of everyone! Even the abundantly and widely accepted by science fact about CO2 and global-warming / climate-change is unimportant by comparison - and it may just be a theory after all. These old fools are very wise, like sages, groundless sense of entitlement and all.
I don't think so. I'm going to get in the way of business, because business doesn't care about the right things ... it only cares about money most of the time. Now a business should definitely take money into account if it wants to stay alive, but to make money the goal of the business (as M$ has done) is certainly not in everyone's best interest. It is in everyone's best interest to stand up and fight companies like M$, the ones interested purely in making a shitload of money.
Making a shitload of money is exactly what business is about, isn't it?
Alot of the time, it works in the people's favor. But often it doesn't. That's why I'd prefer more of a community-developed OS and everything else when possible, to a company-developed one.
--- Quote from: piratePenguin ---Making a shitload of money is exactly what business is about, isn't it?
--- End quote ---
I think H_TeXMeX_H's point is that, yes in most cases this is true but it doesn't have to be. A buisness can be successful without only thinking of money. Probably more successful since they will actually care if their product is any good.
--- Quote from: Dark_Me ---I think H_TeXMeX_H's point is that, yes in most cases this is true but it doesn't have to be. A buisness can be successful without only thinking of money. Probably more successful since they will actually care if their product is any good.
--- End quote ---
A business would be more successful by putting success first ;)
That means before customer satisfaction, morality etc... But OFTEN it is good business sense (as in, will result in further business success) to produce a good product, to satisfy customers, to do the right thing etc, but that's not always the case.
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