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Windows Product Activation, and the problems it faces

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quote:Originally posted by M51DPS:

 when iTunes burns protected songs, it has no way of making it protected on the CD. Then it doesn't know that the songs it's ripping were the purchased ones you just burned, and rips them as normal MP3's (or whatever you have it import songs as). Either Apple was really stupid, or they knew and didn't care. Since they haven't tried to fix it at all, I'm guessing the latter.

[ January 03, 2004: Message edited by: M51DPS ]
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I don't think they were stupid...people were talking about this for as long as I remember.  I think their DRM scheme is intended just as a picket fence.  If someone wants to go to the trouble of burning, then re-ripping the song, it takes time, and apple is comfortable with that.  They just want to(I think) discourage casual file sharing with a picket fence.

In fact this is the only reason I'd consider using I-tunes.  DRM is an insult to the customer and simply isn't necessary.  If people can buy the songs cheaply, they WILL.  It's only the psychotic control-obsessed RIAA jackasses (who see their customers as thieves) that insist on this crap.

By the same token, I will not use Wal-mart's store.  Have you seen their licence agreement?  You have to agree that you only licence the songs:  you do not own the copy. To which I say "#$#% off Wal-Mart music and your RIAA masters."

[ January 03, 2004: Message edited by: M. O'Brien ]

well the truth is there certain people like the WPA or some people hate the WPA with a passion like my self.  the points is microsoft is not going to remove it or they going resolve piracy with it, as long cracks and hacker exist and windows xp corp , pirating Window will never stop    
and i will  never,never,never i mean never buy microsoft windows, i pirate the living shit out of it..  so fuck microsoft  

[ January 03, 2004: Message edited by: mc0282 ]

Sex me.


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