Miscellaneous > Technical Support
How to look up Paypal phish?
I got something similar once. I used http://www.whois.net/. After I found out where it came from, somewhere in California, I emailed the host with a complaint, the who is register and a copy of the email. I never heard anything back. But I never got that email again.
Now I get these stupid Your bank account has unusual activity on it, please click here and log in....but I don't have an account with that bank...Bastards....I hope a masked gunman breaks into thier shelters and shoots them in the fingers and the cock!
i vote that bush sends the army against phishers as part of the war on terror, I can see approval ratings with 9's in them (either that, or the end of spam, either way, somebody still wins (And it isn't the phishers))
that would be roughly as intelligent as most of bush's other actions as commander in chief of the US army. i think they should take that office away from the us president and make a law saying only people not born in the US can hold that position.
--- Quote from: Calum ---that would be roughly as intelligent as most of bush's other actions as commander in chief of the US army. i think they should take that office away from the us president and make a law saying only people not born in the US can hold that position.
--- End quote ---
This just might be the most irrational and poorly considered thing you have ever said. Whatever your intentions are, there must be some reasonable way to accomplish them. Transferring figurehead leadership from one dickhead to another won't really solve anything.
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