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Microsoft to soon start retiring Windows 2000 Server

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Microsoft has announced that they are beginning to retire Windows 2000 Server, and my guess is that Win2k Workstation soon too.

WHAT THE FUCKING FUCK??? WHY??? Windows 2000 is the best Windows ever next to NT4.0. And its less than 4 goddam years old. WHAT THE HELL????? Just because they have that bloated piece of shit Windows 2003 server doesnt mean everyone with Win2k must be fucked. FUCK MICROSOFT.

Bah. People aren't going to stop using Windows 2000 just because Microsoft says so. But yeah, more forced upgrades.

I know Windows XP is utter crap, but is Win2K3 that bad?


quote:Originally posted by Laukev7:
Win2K3 that bad?
--- End quote ---

Windows 2003 Server = Windows XP + a bunch of services

Oh, dear. The very same Windows XP I tried for two weeks a few months ago, which crashed 8 times during that time period, on which I got an error trying to install their own software, Office 2000, and couldn't run RTCW because of broken OpenGL support? And they honestly expect us to use that same operating system AS A SERVER???


quote:xeen: Windows 2003 Server = Windows XP + a bunch of services
--- End quote ---

Have you actually seen it? It's Windows XP (+ Lots of services turned off) (+ A few added).

If you wanted a free Windows version, all you had to do was downloading the trial version of Windows Server 2003, crack the WPA, and turn some services on.


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