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Microsoft to soon start retiring Windows 2000 Server

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Hopefully, any civilized net admin running Win2k3* has the XP theme turned off.  Eats the CPU for breakfast, and RAM for an afternoon snack.

*This, of course, assumes that any such people exist  :D


quote:Originally posted by Refalm:

Have you actually seen it? It's Windows XP (+ Lots of services turned off) (+ A few added).

If you wanted a free Windows version, all you had to do was downloading the trial version of Windows Server 2003, crack the WPA, and turn some services on.
--- End quote ---

Regardless, Win2003 still has Internet Explorer handling the majority of the server operating system, including file management, which I've experience horrors with.

Not just here
but dozens of other times on almost all XP boxes.

Oh, and how about that critical bug they discovered one day after they signed a $90 million Windows 2003 Server contract with the Department of Homeland Security. I feel much safer knowing they use that crap.   :rolleyes:

[ December 18, 2003: Message edited by: xeen ]


quote:xeen: Regardless, Win2003 still has Internet Explorer handling the majority of the server operating system, including file management, which I've experience horrors with.
--- End quote ---

That one of the thing why I think that Windows should never be taken seriously as a server. It runs all kinds off stuff in the background you really don't need for a web/file/login-server. But you have to take it, because it's "integrated".

Linux lets you choose what software you want installed.

Well it's natural for MS to discontinue MS sever 2000.  MS wants everyone to use the latest and greatest... upgrade upgrade upgrade.

I wonder if this means that they will drop bugfixes for server 2000.


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