All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Never trust windows

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Mr Smith:
I was over at my friends today and we installed Unreal Tournament 2003. Cool game. Anyway, he uses winXP. While I was using the computer explorer crashed several times. That is normal but then I saw an  
interesting message: "Explorer has crashed. We apologize for any inconvenience." Now thats just dumb. I told windows to take that "apology" and shove it. I will never trust windows or any other microsoft product in
a mission critical situation. Just Imagine:
A person is laying on a bed in the hospital and he is hooked up to a life support machine controlled by windows. Then out of nowhere explorer crashes. as the person only has seconds to live he looks over at the screen and he sees this message:
"Explorer has crashed. We apologize for any inconvenience"

That brings up an interesting point. I have a friend who writes medical software. He has been doing it since 96-97. He only knows one language VB.  

MS writes the embedded software for portable, automated defibrulators.

i hope i never need defibrilated...

do those defibrilators need to have internet explorer, windows media player and outlook express installed on them for them to function?


quote:M. O'Brien: MS writes the embedded software for portable, automated defibrulators.
--- End quote ---

I know the system administrator in my hospital. They use AS/400 and he writes his own code for the embedded software  ;)


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