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Windows users with problems

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i agree totally with voidmain. Every single word of his last post is right on the money. if i feel like helping some windows user (eg i might actually know the answer) i will. if not i won't. There are plenty places for them to go to get "help" anyway, other than here. They bought into the proprietary software system, they can buy help from M$. Or they can go the cheap option and join the forums of people who spend their every waking moment trying to stave off the moment when they will need to reinstall everything just to keep their computer working.

I think the issue of insulting arseholes is totally separate. It's just that the arseholes in question tend to be windoids.

IanC nobody has insulted me, let alone you, and i am not going to leave, i'm not that highly strung, everybody is entitled to say what they like. I am not prohibitive of others' right to say what they think, and that's why i am so vocal about my own opinions. If i tell somebody to fuck off, they have a choice whether to listen to me or ignore me. some stay, some go. while i am often irritated for example by some posters who have stayed, i have slightly more respect for them than for the others who come here plying their warez and generally being dipshit moron windoids, then about their sixth or seventh post they start telling everybody how "lame" and "dumb" they are and we never hear from them again. Good riddance i say.

Sure, i am all for being reasonable, but i think we need to distinguish the wheat from the chaff, or this site will become a haven for idiots.

Anyway, enough from me, back to the flaming!

[ May 11, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

Doctor V:
I don't post much, but I read the forums every now and then.  I really think windoze users deserve help.  But, as they are looking for help with their short term problem, help should be given for the long term problem.  They should be told about alternative OSes, and how to do whatever isn't working for them on Linux.  And theres no reason to be a smartass to someone who has a legitimate problem.  They should get real help.  As for the true dumbasses who come here and gloat about how cool windoze is, they should be flamed to hell.  They ask for it.

Calum, lighten up.  In all honesty, I think it would be best if you were not so condescending to people.  To real windoze supporters maybe its ok, but not to the rest of us.  You lose credibility when you exaggerate.  There's no reason to exaggerate, the facts are on our side.  I can tell you're a smart guy, but tone it down a bit.

Voidmain, I think I like your posts best.  Clearly an intelligent person who knows what he's talking about.  I agree with what you said above, and pretty much all your posts.


quote:Originally posted by Doctor V:
I don't post much, but I read the forums every now and then.  I really think windoze users deserve help.
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me too    
quote:But, as they are looking for help with their short term problem, help should be given for the long term problem.  They should be told about alternative OSes, and how to do whatever isn't working for them on Linux.
--- End quote ---
I agree.  
quote:And theres no reason to be a smartass to someone who has a legitimate problem.  They should get real help.
--- End quote ---
here's where you and i start to differ. If they have no intention of ditching their shoddy operating system and are just trying to scrape off some "windows secrets" without contributing anything then fuck 'em. If they come to this site it more or less goes without saying that they already know they can choose not to use windows.    
quote:As for the true dumbasses who come here and gloat about how cool windoze is, they should be flamed to hell.  They ask for it.

--- End quote ---
back on track, once more i agree completely.  
Calum, lighten up.
--- End quote ---
??? am i dark?    
quote:In all honesty, I think it would be best if you were not so condescending to people.
--- End quote ---
in that case, i would honestly like you to expand on what you just said. i am only condescending. in my opinion, when it is deserved. Surely you know that things can easily be taken out of context when in print form on a screen, as many of the social indicators that go with interpreting language are not present. Perhaps you are misconstruing me?    
quote:To real windoze supporters maybe its ok, but not to the rest of us.
--- End quote ---
i don't think i have condescended to you and i also think that if i was condescending to other people that i'd have heard about it by now, but i am honestly intrigued, so do elaborate on this please.  
quote:You lose credibility when you exaggerate.
--- End quote ---
again, what are you talking about? when did i exaggerate? are you saying i exaggerate about such things as linux being easy/stable/secure and so on? or do you mean I exaggerate about other things? if so what?
quote:There's no reason to exaggerate, the facts are on our side.
--- End quote ---
what facts do you mean?!?!?!?!? this is baffling!    
quote:I can tell you're a smart guy,
--- End quote ---
thanks, i bet you are too, and my saying that proves that i take evrybody on their own merits, rather than just flaming everybody who has not posted before.  
quote:but tone it down a bit.

--- End quote ---
as i said, tone what down? i really would appreciate a run down on those things that you do not like about my posts, since your comments seem to be original. The most criticism i have had so far on this site is from aforementioned dumbasses themselves, so please enlighten me.
quote:Voidmain, I think I like your posts best.  Clearly an intelligent person who knows what he's talking about.  I agree with what you said above, and pretty much all your posts.
--- End quote ---

Me too, VoidMain is the GodFather of these forums!   :D

[ May 17, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

so is anybody going to tell me what's wrong with my attitude, since i am genuinely intrigued?


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