Author Topic: Most powerful organization ever...  (Read 2266 times)


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Most powerful organization ever...
« on: 24 September 2006, 11:29 »
Ok, most people think of the United States Government, but in reality, we shouldn't. The most powerful organization ever is logically the eBay Corporation, here's why:

eBay owns PayPal, which can provide money through digital means, meaning it could theoretically hand out cash like it was nothing, say, $40,000,000,000 per user...

What that would do, in turn, is create hyperinflation, by crashing the US Dollar into the ground even harder than it has fallen in the past, which would in turn, crash the economies of like 5 countries which base their monetary unit relative to the US Dollar, for stability in the world economy. With their economies crashed, it would crash the economies of the countries they trade with, which would domino out and destroy most national economies.

While that's going on, all multinational US based companies would tank, because A) you'd have a ton of people buying A LOT of crap (before the inflation set in, it wouldn't be instant, it'd probably take like 12 hours) B) companies would be shreded up by the inflation, because remember, they didn't get $40,000,000,000, so consider a company like Apple for example, with yearly revenues around the $20,000,000,000 mark, they'd be toast (even companies like IBM would be toast, more or less).

After all of the major multinationals based in the US fell apart, along with most major stock exchanges, it'd pretty much clean off all of the other non-US multinationals like NEC, Toyota, Sony, Samsung, et cetera...

Now I'm sure this couldn't actually happen quite like this, because I don't think the IRS and FDIC would be that happy if PayPal just started creating money randomly (also consider that given that there are like 20 million users, x 40,000,000,000 each, that's A LOT of money to just bullshit out of nowhere)

Still, just consider that for a minute, the thing stopping ebay is that if they just printed money out of thin air it WOULD destroy everything, including them, and they can't threaten anyone because of like "ZOMG WE KILL UR ECONOMY" because the government would just trash them...

Interesting to consider, nonetheless


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Re: Most powerful organization ever...
« Reply #1 on: 24 September 2006, 18:31 »
What OS do eBay servers run on ? What OS do most users of eBay run on ? What would happen to eBay if a devastating worm managed to infiltrate their servers ?

M$ could actually buy eBay if they wanted to ...

I'm curious, do eBay servers run Window$ ? There's a 50/50 chance of getting it right.


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Re: Most powerful organization ever...
« Reply #2 on: 24 September 2006, 21:10 »
Quote from: obob
Ok, most people think of the United States Government, but in reality, we shouldn't. The most powerful organization ever is logically the eBay Corporation, here's why:

Depends on what you call powerful.  Even if its economy was in the toilet, the US could (and probably would) order air strikes and ground assaults against eBay as a last ditch effort to extract some twisted sort of revenge.  eBay would not be in a position to return fire.


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Re: Most powerful organization ever...
« Reply #3 on: 25 September 2006, 02:40 »
LOL!!! AIR STRIKES, LOL!!! against a company I want to see that, the corporation wars of 2025, in a history calss in like the year 2500

"around 2022 after the United States killed everyone else taht could oppose them, they ran out of shit to kill"

timmy "so what happened? world peace"

teacher "oh no, they started a war with the ebay corporation"


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Re: Most powerful organization ever...
« Reply #4 on: 25 September 2006, 03:32 »
"I wonder whoever did win the Corporate World War," little Timmy said as he left the classroom.
"We'll probably never know," little Jimmy replied, "we'll probably never know."

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Re: Most powerful organization ever...
« Reply #5 on: 25 September 2006, 04:12 »
Quote from: H_TeXMeX_H
What OS do eBay servers run on ? What OS do most users of eBay run on ? What would happen to eBay if a devastating worm managed to infiltrate their servers ?

M$ could actually buy eBay if they wanted to ...

I'm curious, do eBay servers run Window$ ? There's a 50/50 chance of getting it right.

Aparantly eBay does run IIS (Win2k, and some Win2003 server):


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Re: Most powerful organization ever...
« Reply #6 on: 25 September 2006, 04:52 »
Yeah, thought so, then my argument holds :D


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Re: Most powerful organization ever...
« Reply #7 on: 25 September 2006, 16:56 »
probably the most powerful organisation in the world is either the US Army (which is not the same as the US government), or else maybe China.

in my opinion. I have no evidence or anything.
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Re: Most powerful organization ever...
« Reply #8 on: 25 September 2006, 17:50 »
I would have to say...OPEC.
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Re: Most powerful organization ever...
« Reply #9 on: 25 September 2006, 23:25 »
Yeah, ok, OPEC ... but who controls OPEC ?


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Re: Most powerful organization ever...
« Reply #10 on: 25 September 2006, 23:46 »


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Re: Most powerful organization ever...
« Reply #11 on: 26 September 2006, 01:40 »
Quote from: obob
eBay owns PayPal, which can provide money through digital means, meaning it could theoretically hand out cash like it was nothing, say, $40,000,000,000 per user...

Can PayPal really do that?  My impression is that they just transfer existing money.
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Re: Most powerful organization ever...
« Reply #12 on: 26 September 2006, 01:51 »
Quote from: WMD
Can PayPal really do that?  My impression is that they just transfer existing money.

I didn't think this was a serious enough topic to even ask, or consider it.  They could probably create the illusion of money, but not quite that much, and not for very long.


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Re: Most powerful organization ever...
« Reply #13 on: 26 September 2006, 03:46 »
This the same for all banks as well.

Just destroy paper and electronic records and shit hits the fan.

Credit card companies can give money away for nothing.


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Re: Most powerful organization ever...
« Reply #14 on: 26 September 2006, 20:20 »
again though that's still moving money around, not creating it. the more money that gets created, the more devaluated each unit of currency becomes. the bank of england has this power in the whole UK actually, i have no idea about other countries' arrangements.
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