All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

MS Trying to kill it's own PocketPC?

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well, it's good to know you are helping us to eradicate Microsoft in your own little way, zombie46784628, pat yourself on the back from me.

of course, you could upgrade to mandrake for free, and get a totally legal operating system...

It's probably the most pirated OS so far because of all the activation bullshit.  Isn't it ironic how the more you tighten down, the more the users kick back?  We're gonna have ourselves a grand ol' American Revolution in the computer world at this rate. ^_^

It'll be a revolution all right, but it will be a "world" revolution.

If you call the M$ piracy hotline, they say they have a 36% or 46% (I can't's been a while since I got smashed and reported myself!) and they can't do anything about it. So why do they bother, and piss people off in the process? Bad business practices.

Linux is on the rise. There is more online about it and in the news than ever before, and the same with Apple.




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