All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

LOL @ more XP trouble


Microsoft is warning owners of the HP Pavilion or the Compaq Presario using Windows XP that upgrading using SP1 could mean the OS will not work at all. A warning on its Knowledge Base site said that those type of computers pre- installed with Windows XP can crash and burn if the system recovery utility that comes with the machine is used. What happens is that important Windows XP files get replaced by the system recovery process and that means machines are unbootable.


quote: If you attempt to download SP1 from the Microsoft site, there's a little warning there for the Compaq and HP users.

The problem lies with the vendor, Microsoft warns, and it tells you to get on the blower and get an update from the manufacturer.
--- End quote ---

Passing on the blame, how typical indeed!

They aren't responsible for viruses either. Go see the AV vendors for a patch.

Microsoft are not responsible for anything, read the EULA. This line of logic means that Microsoft must be the good guys since any problem is always somebody else's fault!

SYstem recovery disks SUCK.  I'm never EVER buying a PC that uses them.


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