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What the FK is this file for!!!???


Hi to all... me again, I was Fkthesoft before but as I said in another thread I lost the pass and my registered email acc does not work anymore so I had to create another user. Sigh...

Now the reall topic, yesterday I was backing up my HDD since I finally got RedHat 8 and I'm ready for having my "first time". Anyway, I opened NERO and then I got a "ghost". Nor Explorer nor FF or the shitty search tool from Winblows found it. Its called "PAGEFILE.SYS". Another hidden file I think...
Its size is about 400 MB. In case you haven't seen it before (or just don't beleive it), I made a screen shot and I buned a CD with only the bastard file on it.
Another strange, CREEPY thing was that the fucking file appeared also when I FORMATED the partition!!!...
One, or I'm so fucking ignorant that I don't know such a basic file or two, M$ has done it again!!!.

I will try to edit that thing to see what's inside anyway.

Any tip? Thanks!!!

-me  :mad:

pd. Nearly forgot the link to the screeen shot (50Kb): http://

The image is 800x600... btw.

It is your swap file. The reason it is so large is that nobody ever taught MS how to deal with RAM properly.

Ok thanks, everyday we learn something new.   :D

you need to sort it out in your control panel. i forget how to get to your virtual memory settings in windows but that's what you need to do. you need to set your swapfile to be about 1 1/2 times the size of your RAM, and you also need to set 'Primary use of this computer' to 'network server'. These settings are much better than the windows default settings for virtual memory. You'll just have to poke around in the control panel as i can't remember how to get to them. i think it's in the 'system' control panel. might be any bloody where in XP though.


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