All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
The only reason I brought up BASIC was because there was a question as to how it ended up in MS' hands in an earlier thread...
quote:Originally posted by <EclipticZero>:
Do any of you understand a thing about how Windows works? or are you all just saying Windows sucks because you like to agree with all the "l33t hackers" who use Linux?
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I understand how Windows "doesn't" work which is why I are one of those "l33t hackers" who use Linux.
And didn't the Amiga come out of Commodore, or Amiga bought out Commodore, or are the two companies in no way related?
The Amiga was designed by a company called Hi-Torro (who became Amiga Inc) in the mid 1980's. Atari loaned some money to them when they ran short of capital. Commodore paid off the loan and aquired Amiga in 1985, forming Commodore-Amiga as a subsidiary. It was Commodore that briught Amiga to production, and then killed it off through poor management, lack of advertising, and concentrating on building PC clones. SeeThe History of the Amiga
for a detailed account.
Two points that may be of interest:
1. The early Amigas shipped with a version of MS Basic (which sucked badly). Commodore got a very good deal on the licencing, probably the lkast company to screw MS
2. There is a free Amiga emulator available for Windows and Linux called UAE
You need a copy of the Amiga ROM to run it though.
Amiga's "Video Toaster" was a pretty cool product. I had a coworker who was as nutty about Amiga as I was/am about *NIX. He used to put in some pretty good jabs...
[ January 20, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]
quote:Originally posted by killerangel0101:
ok i am tire of this linux or unix whatever i want a fucking OS the doesn't hide shit from me
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You mean like keep it configuration data in a binary file, I hate that anout windows too.
Most linux configuration is in plain text files in /etc
quote: and OS is all about fucking internet
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Linux was developed over the internet
quote: i like programming and
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All linux distro come with a complete set of programming tools
quote:fucking playings games. linux and unix whatever they don't have games
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You don't call Quake 3 a game ?????
It even performs better under linux
quote: and i don't like there desktop there color or boot up whatever is lame .
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Then change your window manger or even easier configure it to use different colours, Most window manager even have GUI tools to do this.
(Edited to fix really bad UBB coding)
[ January 21, 2002: Message edited by: joel ]
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