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Windows XP user, just my side.


Ctrl Alt Del 123:
First, please read what I have to say, I'm not here to say "Windows XP rulez!".

I'm running XP pro on a 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, 40 gig HD, nVidia geForce 2 MX, Sound Blaster Live. And so far things have been great (all problems I've had delt with the motherboard, not Windows). While I had to fix some of the new annoying ass features in XP: Win Messenger (A bitch) .Net passport (.net can kiss my ass) Error Reporting (It should work in the first place) and UPnP (Yea, enable something we don't even have, great idea MS), I can't complain. However, I am SICK and DISGUESTED at MS with their practices more so than their software.

So I have to ask you, if MS wasn't such a bitch, would you use their software then? Not saying you'd loose what you're using now.

Given a choice of OS, I'd still stick with OSX. The only time I run windoze is on VPC when I wan't to play old DOS games. Scratch that, I run DOS when I use VPC.

I put my comp. on dual boot with yellow dog linux KDE and Gnome, just cuz I have a huge HD and wan'ted to have fun. While I respect Linux and think it's pretty damn neat; for general computing and desktop use I still have not found a substitute for OSX.

[ April 01, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

Master of Reality:
well.... that all depends, if MS just wasnt a bitch.

I think i would still want to run a dual boot with win2K and linux.
But thats never going to happen unless someone flys a few planes into any building that developes ms and kills all their developers and managers, then make them start from scratch while being owned by someone sensible, moral, not greedy, and ethical.

I think that if MS wouldn't wanna be such a bitch, they should make all their software open source.
If this happens, the "fuck, i can't run this app on (insert name of different OS here)" will be history. So now, the software OS market will not be ruled by one evil company who likes making shite consoles, but by competition between lots of programmers/companies trying to make the best OS out there.

Fair enough right?


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