Operating Systems > Linux and UNIX
Can anyone help me find a good distro ?
SELinux was off in FC6 and it was fucked both after updating from FC5 and also after installing from scratch.
Ubuntu failed to shutdown properly ... I attempted to fix it ... nothing, and it's too much like Window$ ... logon sound and litte popups in the taskbar ... no thanks.
I'm currently installing Gentoo ... started it 7 hrs ago .... it'll be done in the morning (it's at 50% now) ... I really hope it does work this time, I've tried to read the install instructions as carefully as possible. I also formated the root partition with JFS ... according to benchmarks it and XFS give the most performance for the things I deal with. (XFS might be better but is much more liable for patent infringement)
--- Quote from: "Worker201" ---Plus, if you're a rockstar, you can customize each source file to your personal needs.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: "H_TeXMeX_H" ---Ubuntu failed to shutdown properly ... I attempted to fix it ... nothing, and it's too much like Window$ ... logon sound and litte popups in the taskbar ... no thanks.
--- End quote ---
--- Quote from: "H_TeXMeX_H" ---SELinux was off in FC6 and it was fucked both after updating from FC5 and also after installing from scratch.
--- End quote ---
What? SELinux installs automatically on. "You can turn it off by setting the SELINUX variable in /etc/sysconfig/selinux to "Disabled"."---In the words of Void.
Gentoo failed to install 3x .... that's good enough an effort for now ... maybe I'll try again some other time.
Reinstalled Ubuntu ... seems the shutdown hang is due to a different version of halt (you have to use "halt -p" for it to shutdown properly ... I haven't figured out how to reboot it without it hanging (reboot -p does not work).
I've said this before, and I'll say it again, the status of Linux distros is fairly shitty if you ask me. Or maybe I haven't tried the right ones ? I've tried many so far, none have I liked completely.
Ok, I'm thinking of trying a BSD distro ... but I have no more CDs left. I have a few questions ... how many programs have been ported to BSD ? I need openoffice, hplip, xsane, madwifi, k3b, and most importantly dvorak keyboard support !
poweroff owns for shutdown.
I think you're doing something wrong. I've gotten RedHat6, SuSE 8, Slackware 9 (20+ times, it was my learning phase), Slackware 10, FC1, FC2, FC3, FC4, FC5, and Ubuntu PPC to run with hardly any troubles whatsoever on 6 different computers. Certainly never had one hang on shutdown. FC4 failed on install the first time, but ran just fine the second time.
Maybe you're not setting them up right.
On Slackware, I always ran "shutdown -h now" to power down.
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