All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs

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quote:Originally posted by Laukev7:
I like the way you put it, xeen.
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Very true.  There are too many sheep who think they need xp, or whatever is new.  Look at how many poeple thought they needed windows me when actually 98 can still do everything me can do.

i hate the dude on the apple video he think he knows it all... i would love to  kick his ass  and take his money and his apple computer and run run run    

[ May 01, 2004: Message edited by: mc0282 ]


quote:Originally posted by mc0282:
i hate the dude on the apple video he think he knows it all... i would love to  kick his ass  and take his money and his apple computer and run run run      

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Yeah, but compare it to microsoft promotional videos. Apple actually puts effort and talent into their videos, whereas microsoft uses the guy from The Joy of Painting to do voice-over.

Am I missing something?

What exactly do a bunch of anti-islamic links have to do with Microsoft's new version of Windows?


quote:Originally posted by Rio:
Am I missing something?

What exactly do a bunch of anti-islamic links have to do with Microsoft's new version of Windows?
--- End quote ---

Absolutely nothing. That member (formerly known as Great_Satan) has been trolling this forum for more than half a year now. I've PM'ed Refalm to ask him to sort this out.


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