All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs

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quote:Originally posted by xeen:

Ok..I really didn't think I'd be calling you a total dickhead so soon, but you completely ignored what I said to you.

I said you are free to have an opinion that Mac OSX sucks shit. However, if you expect do be taken seriously then be courteous enough to provide specific EXAMPLES of how it sucks. "It's a fucking horrible OS" is YOUR opinion which you have NOT backed up with any facts. Again, if you say it is shit than please start a thread in the Mac OS section and explain with concrete facts and examples how OSX sucks. (BTW like I said before, I'm not in any way biased toward OSX as I have never even used it).

"It's a fucking horrible OS, I don't understand how anyone enjoys using it." is nothing but an opinion, and one which anyone can say about anything.

--- End quote ---

Saying an OS is horrible is always an opinion. It cannot be factually proven otherwise the OS would not be used. There is no straight "facts" proving windows sucks either otherwise it wouldn't be as popular and Microsoft would change it asap (they are not stupid).

You contradicted yourself in your previous post, yet I ignored you? That's like someone saying "kill this person" and then later "don't kill this person", then you start bitching because they did or didn't kill the person.

My experience with OS X was absolutely horrible. There is no examples I can give you that can be 100% proven with links because it happened to me. What happened to me are not listed as major flaws or anything like that (which you're expecting).

quote:Originally posted by xeen:

You have now lost any credibility you've had since you have failed 3 times in a row in at least 2 threads to provide any facts for any of your claims or any reasons for any of your opinions. Now all you're doing is posting facts with no supportive information, which leads to pointless back and forth arguments.

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I lost my credibility? You told me NOT to post the reasons in this thread dipshit and I'm not going to bother to create a new thread just to rant on OS X because that isn't what I do. I only came here to clear up a lot of the ignorant comments being spread across this horribly-run community.
quote:Originally posted by xeen:

I'm not trying to be mean to you. But if you don't start backing your claims up with some supportive information, you will soon be considered a troll.
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It has already been proven that I am a troll, however; all of the information I have said and presented has been true up to this point.

You really are an idiot. What do you expect from an anti-ms site? Nice, intelligent discussion about the good and bad of MS, compared to Apple, and the many Linux Distros? That ship sailed YEARS ago at the place. Move on, go troll someplace else. The MES isn't worth it.

If this were my forum, you would have been banned after your first post.

Its nice to talk shit without any facts to back it up. I can sit here and talk shit about windows all day with no facts to back it up, in fact, thats what most of us do   ;)  
Yet, you come here, and do exactly that, talk shit about OSX with nothing to back it up, while at the same time, talking shit because we bash MS on an anti-MS site. Grow up.

EDIT: For the record, the windows interface defies all logic. its anti-intuitive, and actually hinders productivity. Too much screen real-estate is wasted by menus and tools, and "fluff", unlike OSX, OS9, and several different DEs in Linux. I have increased my productivity since moving to OSX from windows 2 years ago. I get more done on a mac, than I ever have on windows.

[ May 05, 2004: Message edited by: Lime ]


quote:My experience with OS X was absolutely horrible. There is no examples I can give you that can be 100% proven with links because it happened to me. What happened to me are not listed as major flaws or anything like that (which you're expecting).
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No that was not what I was expecting. I was expecting ANY kind of support for what you're claiming. Please explain beyong just saying "it crashed a lot". What were you doing when it crashed? What exactly crashed? (I've almost never heard of a crashing program bringing down all of OSX). This is what we call details. You can't expect to be treated well when you come here, state that OSX is shit, and state some other bs facts that you then claim "you shouldn't say where you got them".

quote:It has already been proven that I am a troll
--- End quote ---

Yes, it has. And as of now you will be treated as one.

Here are some new screenshots of Longhorn build 4074.

Looks like they got rid of the "Start" in the Start Menu button. Again I have to ask, why the fuck do we need that analog clock there in that huge waste of screen space sidebar? Especially, why do we need BOTH an analog clock and a digital clock right next to it? This is just absurd.    :

Looks like the sidebar has a whole shitload of crap pre-installed. Of course, MS sheeple will enjoy this bloat. But professionals do not want it there. And knowing Microsoft, it is all uninstallable. Example: Why should an OS have a news-feed thingy pre-installed by default. This is the kind of thing that people who want can just go and download. It shouldn't be there automatically. And since most of the population don't know shit, it will sit there on most people's sidebar wasting CPU resources, memory, and bandwidth:


Can someone explain to me the purpose of that huge title bar of the My Computer Explorer window? How about the purpose of that huge pane that says "12 items in this folder":

In summary, can anyone explain to me how Microsoft seriously expects anyone beyond the age 12 and those with a reasonable IQ to use this piece of shit?

Even with Avalon it looks like crap.  


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