All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs

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Now for two more bad jokes:

Consumer:"Can you help me with my Windows Machine?"

Service Tech:"Sure, what's the problem."

Consumer:"It sucks. It just plain sucks."

Tech:"Well just type in format C:/, hit Y, and all your problems will go away in a few minutes. Be sure to pick up a real OS on your way out."

"Generic rule of thumb: If Microsoft says something is 'smart', be on the lookout for something dumb."

[ May 06, 2004: Message edited by: yourmom ]


quote:Originally posted by Lime:
You really are an idiot.

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quote:Originally posted by Lime:

If this were my forum, you would have been banned after your first post.

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I would not join a forum as anal as yours. If you honestly would have banned me for what I've done here so far, you must have very bad people skills. I've done nothing wrong.
quote:Originally posted by Lime:

 Grow up.

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Grow up? You're bashing MS over mostly ignorance and complaining about things in an ALPHA OS, yet I need to grow up? Hypocrite

Just because this website is anti-MS doesn't mean the users should hate MS because of their own ignorance.
quote:Originally posted by Lime:

EDIT: For the record, the windows interface defies all logic. its anti-intuitive, and actually hinders productivity. Too much screen real-estate is wasted by menus and tools, and "fluff", unlike OSX, OS9, and several different DEs in Linux. I have increased my productivity since moving to OSX from windows 2 years ago. I get more done on a mac, than I ever have on windows.
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Hinders productivity? What kind of idiot are you that a little task bar and a menu hinders your productivity? Most programs that are available for Windows and Mac use virtually the same UI and if you want to complain about menus and tools, talk to the software makers. All of the menus in Windows are customizable and you can even skin it to look and even behave exactly like Mac OS X if you wanted. Your problem is that you're lazy.

Also, if you want to talk about Microsoft taking up space, the dock wastes so much more space than the taskbar. Huge icons for the poor vision folks and bouncing icons is just dumb. Personally, I like fluxbox's look and feel out of any UI.

quote:Originally posted by xeen:

No that was not what I was expecting. I was expecting ANY kind of support for what you're claiming. Please explain beyong just saying "it crashed a lot". What were you doing when it crashed? What exactly crashed? (I've almost never heard of a crashing program bringing down all of OSX). This is what we call details. You can't expect to be treated well when you come here, state that OSX is shit, and state some other bs facts that you then claim "you shouldn't say where you got them".
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Most of the time, it was a CD-ROM that had thousands of clip art images on it and a browser for them. If you went through them too fast, the system would become slow and unresponcive. After a while, it almost always locked the program. When trying to end the program, OS X always crashed.

Also, if anyone was using a lot of memory with a very very large picture in photoshop, it would crash after about an hour of use. OS X also crashed about half the time someone would go to a website with flash on it, though it was using the piece of shit IE.

Also, none of my facts are BS. All of them but the TCP/IP improvements can be easily found on Microsoft's MSDN. The only thing I said I shouldn't say was the TCP/IP improvements, but I gave such a huge fucking clue that you'd have to have an IQ of a 10 year old not to figure it out.

quote:Originally posted by xeen:

Yes, it has. And as of now you will be treated as one.
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quote:Originally posted by xeen:

Looks like they got rid of the "Start" in the Start Menu button. Again I have to ask, why the fuck do we need that analog clock there in that huge waste of screen space sidebar? Especially, why do we need BOTH an analog clock and a digital clock right next to it? This is just absurd.       :

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I believe they turned that off by default now, so the person probably enabled it afterwards (though I agree it's a lot of wasted space)

quote:Originally posted by xeen:

Looks like the sidebar has a whole shitload of crap pre-installed. Of course, MS sheeple will enjoy this bloat. But professionals do not want it there. And knowing Microsoft, it is all uninstallable. Example: Why should an OS have a news-feed thingy pre-installed by default. This is the kind of thing that people who want can just go and download. It shouldn't be there automatically. And since most of the population don't know shit, it will sit there on most people's sidebar wasting CPU resources, memory, and bandwidth:

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I also do not like the sidebar, however; it is removable and completely customizable (or, at least it will be in the finished product).

quote:Originally posted by xeen:

In summary, can anyone explain to me how Microsoft seriously expects anyone beyond the age 12 and those with a reasonable IQ to use this piece of shit?
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Avalon will make it worth while. That and all of this stuff you complained about is customizable and can be removed/turned off (or will be in the final release).

quote:Originally posted by Laukev7:
Even with Avalon it looks like crap.    
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1. That is DES. Avalon isn't near finished yet

2. That is a skin, not what Longhorn actually looks like after installation.




quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

Rally, well I'm a lot perturbed at your own ignorance and stupidity that you have posted so far!

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You can't call me ignorant and stupid in a sentence which defies all grammar rules.
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

Alot of the problems that people rant about here are genuine complaints of M$.  To which m$ have been doing for years!

Personaly I, and a lot of other people are sick with the wasted problems that m$ is creating.  So we bring awarness of that fact and offer alternatives.

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I know there is a lot of problems with MS. I don't like a lot of different things they do, but the things that are argued about here never seem to be genuine complains but, instead; complaints just to complain. For instance, I like the C# language (not better than I like C++ though), however; since it was created internally at Microsoft, they made sure it was tied into their propritary framework. I know C# and the CRL are both standardized but no one has made actual standard compilers for C# (and no, mono does not count. It ported the propritary framework. That isn't a standardized compiler).
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

 Windows, is and always will be hard to use.  I have no idea where the hell you got your toaster analagy since a toster will do what its ment to do.  Make toast!   Not crash, spred virii or any other nonsense crap.

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I don't see how anyone finds Windows hard to use. My grandparents bought an e-machine that came with WindowsXP. They figured out how to do everything they needed to do within minutes from setting up their ISP to installing Office and using it.

If my grandparents can do it easily, there is no way in hell no one else can't.
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

If you were so 'upset'  then all you have to do is go somewhere else!

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Where did I say I was upset? Perturbed != Upset
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

Go away little troll.  Go wast your money on the next M$ fan product.  But stop whining on here.
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I don't waste my money with MS stuff. I get it heavily discounted from either Microsoft employees or from my Work. I also have gotten stuff from Microsoft's Beta testing program and Retail training program. I spent a total of $50 for Windows XP Pro and Office 2003 Professional. $50 is nothing and for the record, I wasn't whinning, I was trolling but unlike most trolls, I actually say things that are true.


quote:the things that are argued about here never seem to be genuine complains
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That's your opinion and you are free to have it. I'm not gonna speak for others but my complaints about MS and their software are in fact genuine.

quote:I don't see how anyone finds Windows hard to use.
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I actually agree with you here, and don't agree with  Solaris. Windows is not hard to use. The problem however, is that it is now become TOO childlike with way too much eye candy so that the even the biggest retard can use Windows. There is a line between easy and what I like to call fisher-price-like. ANd yes, don't bother telling me that this stuff can easily be turned off. I know that perfectly well, and as I promised before I will also tell you the problem with these all these features (besides the bloat). (It's late and I"m tired now..but I will probably post a good explanation tomorrow).

quote:I actually say things that are true.
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Maybe you do and maybe you don't. But for the things you've been saying before you haven't presented any proof. Anyone can just as easily make a claim and then say it's true, but without support you're lacking credibility.

quote:I spent a total of $50 for Windows XP Pro and Office 2003 Professional.
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I stopped using Microsoft Office COMPLETELY a little over a year ago and have been using OpenOffice ever since. I use it for everything - personal essays, term papers, research papers, lab reports, etc.. My computer will never again see a Microsoft Office CD in it. I couldn't be happier with OpenOffice. Give it a try.

quote:I was trolling
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Well at least we agree on something else! Now I  see why you were banned on at least 2 other forums   :D


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