All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs
quote:Kasracer: "logically build"? Well, for one, your grammar sucks. Two, the UI is the same as Windows XP but with a side-bar. Third and last of all, It's an ALPHA release. You shouldn't even consider trying to do work on ANYTHING ALPHA.
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First of all, I think I'm pretty good at English considering I'm someone who went to a school for kids with learning disabilities (here see, I don't even know if I spelled "disabilities" wrong or right).
I think an alpha release shows a bit what the end result will look like. I see now that you have a full day of tweaking "Longhorn" before it becomes usable.
quote:Kasracer: It's not just XP with a skin. You, sir, are very ignorant and miss-informed. Most of the changes have been done behind the scenes. Explorer is not just "modded"; it's a complete re-write in C#. The effects are just kind of there from XP. Aero and Aero Glass will give a programmer the ability to fully accelerate the UI's graphics with the gpu but those are not yet enabled in the leaked builds.
Again, while there are reasons to hate Microsoft, a leaked ALPHA release of an OS several years away from a full release is just not one of them.
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I've actually programmed C# in VS .NET( I'm not very good at programming btw) for a year, and I noticed that compiling and running programs is slower than programming in C++ in Kate or even VB 6 in VS 6.
And I'm not talking about the effects already present in Windows XP, I'm talking about the effects that you see in the movies I placed in the first post of this thread. It's not really accelerating anything, is it?
Your english teacher is stabbing him or herself in the head repeadily right now. Grammar.
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Again with the grammar. Again shows what an un original idiot you are.
Mac OS X and Linux are both very prone to viruses. While Windows does usually get more viruses than other OSes, when other OSes get them, it's usually quite bad. There was a recent OS X virus that was going around that really crippled a lot of systems and there is almost no virus scanning software for OS X so a lot of Mac users were uberly fucked.
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Where is the proof please? I have not seen one Linux or OSX virus!
And how do these alternative OS'es get 'quite bad'? when they get infected?
However windows gets them in spades and really are quite bad.
quote:Elaborate on what you mean by "proprietory tie ins".
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The idea of outlook being tied into the OS itself. If Outlook crashes so does the whole OS.
quote:With my entire "career" of using Windows, I have NEVER seen an "EXEPTION IN DLL32". I've seen exceptions thrown by poorly made software, but other than that... nothing. You can't blame MS for shitty 3rd party software.
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Hehe Must of been a short career! I like the fact you blame 3rd party poorly made software. However BSD and Linux can run fine on said software. What about brand new machines? A $3000.00 laptop shouldn't have a BSOD or the os should not slow down to a complete crawl in only a month. This happens in windows. If your career expanded more than a day those errors pop up quite frequently and are present on ALL m$ OS'es.
quote:It's MS, not M$ (saying M$, in my mind, just makes a person look retarded).
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its M$ not MS and if you think thats retarded you should listen to yourself speek!
quote:Secondly, there are ways for a lot of average users to get discounted Microsoft software. OEM software from places like, join the, go work for a retailer who sells Microsoft software, if you go to school you can usually get any MS product for free, and you could even lie and just sign up with a retailer at the site to get stuff basically for free (they never call the retailer, though some swear they do).
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Yea. I should sign up to a site for a 'beta' product. Second the majority of people are not OEMS and why should I work for a retailer to resive a crappy product. And I have gotten M$ software for free through education. Guess what its still crap!
quote:You're whinning about me whinning so I fail to see the relavence in your arguement towards me.
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Man you really are an idiot! How am I whinning when your blabbering about such idiotic ignorance?
[ May 09, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]
[ May 09, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]
[ May 09, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]
1 p3r$0n@||y w()ldnT m@k3 pHun 0f t3h L0ngH0Rn t1|| iz D0n3. Th3n 1 W1|| mk3 P4un 0f 1t.
quote:However, no more DRM than what was in Office XP went into office 2003. It's pretty much the same with activation over the net.
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That's not what I was talking about. I was talking about how much of the Office 2003 hype was that it has tons of features that allow companies to DRM their documents that are created by Word, Excel, etc... Even to the point where taking a screenshot of an Office program with the document open wouldn't work to copy it. All this stuff was easily broken by fellow programmers. (Once again, I ain't complaining). I don't like DRM.
quote:Where is the proof please? I have not seen one Linux or OSX virus!
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Dude comeon, there are viruses for every OS, including Linux and Mac. Visit the Symantec site for proof.
quote:Secondly, there are ways for a lot of average users to get discounted Microsoft software.
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And here I thought all Microsoft software was free. :D
Dude comeon, there are viruses for every OS, including Linux and Mac. Visit the Symantec site for proof.
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I don't mean proof of consept viruses, but ones that actualy exploit a machine just like Microsoft$.
In all my years of using Linux I have never even heard of a unix or unix like clone getting a virus that did any harm.
if anything its exploit.c that may take advantage of a certain program like kmail but not everyone uses kmail and most new distros are easy to keep up to date with the latest patches that wont break the entire system.
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