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Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs

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just some links to back up my stand point.


quote:Originally posted by The Stiller:

hey fuck off, refalm is from the netherlands

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Ha, I didn't even realize he was an admin. I hit quote just to see if I was banned or not    
quote:Originally posted by Refalm:

I think an alpha release shows a bit what the end result will look like. I see now that you have a full day of tweaking "Longhorn" before it becomes usable.

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It doesn't show what the end result will look like because it's all going to be replaced when Avalon and Aero are completed. DES has already been partially implemented but requires effort to enable.
quote:Originally posted by Refalm:

I've actually programmed C# in VS .NET( I'm not very good at programming btw) for a year, and I noticed that compiling and running programs is slower than programming in C++ in Kate or even VB 6 in VS 6.

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C# and VB.Net are actually a lot faster than VB6. In fact, most benchmarks suggest 50% quicker in .Net than previous VB run-times. C++, however; will always be uber fast compared to .Net languages because .Net languages are compiled when you first run the application, and a second compiler compiles as you are running the application.

quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

Again with the grammar. Again shows what an un original idiot you are.

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You call me an idiot because you can't even spell and type at least somewhat decently? pfft
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

Where is the proof please? I have not seen one Linux or OSX virus!

And how do these alternative OS'es get 'quite bad'? when they get infected?

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It was in the news that OS X had a big vulnerability which could be exploited. I believe Norton has a few viruses logged from OS X but not that many. Linux has had some as well. It can get bad because no one expects a virus on OS X or Linux and then if they get one, they're fucked. Though if I would ever get a virus on any OS, I'd immediately format (I haven't gotten a virus since 1997 and that was because I infected myself with 405 different viruses before I formatted to see what happened).
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

However windows gets them in spades and really are quite bad.

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I agree with this, however; viruses are very easily preventable. I think it's either a lack of knowledge about computers, or laziness.
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

The idea of outlook being tied into the OS itself. If Outlook crashes so does the whole OS.

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Outlook is not tied to the OS. No software seperate from Windows is completely tied into the OS. It may use registry entries and API hooks, but other than that, it is not. I've NEVER seen any Microsoft piece of software crash the OS because it crashed and it's "tied to the OS".
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

Hehe Must of been a short career! I like the fact you blame 3rd party poorly made software. However BSD and Linux can run fine on said software. What about brand new machines? A $3000.00 laptop shouldn't have a BSOD or the os should not slow down to a complete crawl in only a month. This happens in windows. If your career expanded more than a day those errors pop up quite frequently and are present on ALL m$ OS'es.

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BSD and Linux have open-source software for most things. If a program sucks and is poorly written, someone can go re-write it. In fact, it happens all of the time. You can't compare open-source to commercial gook like you're trying to. They are entirely two different beasts and yes, almost all problems with the Windows OS (actual problems, not complaints) are caused by 3rd party software. No one understands how to write 3rd party software correctly. They seem to go into it half-assed knowing a little bit about a language (I swear I've had someone ask me how to package a .Net program at least twice a week. LEARN ABOUT THE FUCKING LANGUAGE YOU'RE PROGRAMMING IN!   :mad:   ). Also, I have a $2,000 laptop. It has worked strongly for the past 9 months with out one format. Neither Gentoo, nor Windows XP (dual boot) slow down AT ALL. They both operate as if it's the day they got installed.

I also started using Windows back with Windows 3.1 and I've never seen a "DLL EXCEPTION". I've seen exceptions, but it never said it was specifically due to a DLL. Most of the times if I get them (I haven't seen one in years not counting the programs I've written which I've thrown exceptions on purpose before) it means bad ram.
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

its M$ not MS and if you think thats retarded you should listen to yourself speek!

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That is about the dumbest thing I've heard on this website thus far.
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

Yea. I should sign up to a site for a 'beta' product. Second the majority of people are not OEMS and why should I work for a retailer to resive a crappy product. And I have gotten M$ software for free through education. Guess what its still crap!

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Yet I get bitched at for not providing facts when I say something is crap. Also, no shit the majority of people are not "original equipment manufacturer". Idiot. I'm willing to bet that roughly 75%-80% of all MS software is sold OEM.
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

Man you really are an idiot!  How am I whinning when your blabbering about such idiotic ignorance?

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Wow, just wow.... really man, if you have to ask a question whinningly, it's quite obvious that's you're whinning about my bitching. Just shut the fuck up you stupid moron.
quote:Originally posted by PseudoRandom Dragon:
1 p3r$0n@||y w()ldnT m@k3 pHun 0f t3h L0ngH0Rn t1|| iz D0n3. Th3n 1 W1|| mk3 P4un 0f 1t.
--- End quote ---


quote:Originally posted by xeen:
That's not what I was talking about. I was talking about how much of the Office 2003 hype was that it has tons of features that allow companies to DRM their documents that are created by Word, Excel, etc... Even to the point where taking a screenshot of an Office program with the document open wouldn't work to copy it. All this stuff was easily broken by fellow programmers. (Once again, I ain't complaining). I don't like DRM.

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I hate DRM as well, but I haven't not heard about this at all. I even used Office 2003 a few times and never even noticed it. Oh well, I won't be touching anything made with DRM.
quote:Originally posted by xeen:

And here I thought all Microsoft software was free.     :D  
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It can be   ;)  
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

In all my years of using Linux I have never even heard of a unix or unix like clone getting a virus that did any harm.

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You must not have been using unix for long at all. You never heard of the The Thompson Hack? That is definately not an exploit since it is malicious in nature.
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

if anything its exploit.c that may take advantage of a certain program like kmail but not everyone uses kmail and most new distros are easy to keep up to date with the latest patches that wont break the entire system.
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I honestly hope you do not use kmail. That is such a horrible program. I cannot STAND it. Evolution > *
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
just some links to back up my stand point.
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They do not back up your statements at all. The first is a link to a biased article writting to compare apples to apples when both are not apples.

If Linux and OS X became more popular, you'd see a SHITLOAD more viruses on both platforms. It might even become as many as what is on Windows but since you're currently in the minority, no one gives a shit about you. Virus writters like to prey on the stupid and weak, and since all PCs are sold with Windows on them, most PC users are stupid... and probably weak (heh).

That was a half-assed explination but your arguement is half-assed.

[ May 09, 2004: Message edited by: Kasracer ]


quote:I've NEVER seen any Microsoft piece of software crash the OS because it crashed and it's "tied to the OS".
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Happens too often with Windows Media Player. WHen the piece of shit crashes, too often the OS goes down too. Don't tell me this isn't true because it happens to me at least once a week. Doesn't happen with other media players though.


quote:If Linux and OS X became more popular, you'd see a SHITLOAD more viruses on both platforms. It might even become as many as what is on Windows but since you're currently in the minority, no one gives a shit about you. Virus writters like to prey on the stupid and weak, and since all PCs are sold with Windows on them, most PC users are stupid... and probably weak (heh).

That was a half-assed explination but your arguement is half-assed.
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this is the half-asses responce that everyone defending window's virus problem gives. it's almost comical to think that you actually believe that when linux or osx or whatever overtakes windows that all the virus writting kiddies will be able to continue to affect a unix-based system.

windows is vulnerable to virii because MS didn't make it secure enough. it is insane to become 'infected' by reading email! there is no reason a system should be allowed to become that weak


quote:You call me an idiot because you can't even spell and type at least somewhat decently? pfft
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I call you an idiot for being so damn ignorant.  That and the fact you still \ grammer troll.  One thing to be un-original, another to be both unoriginal and repetative.

quote:It was in the news that OS X had a big vulnerability which could be exploited. I believe Norton has a few viruses logged from OS X but not that many. Linux has had some as well. It can get bad because no one expects a virus on OS X or Linux and then if they get one, they're fucked. Though if I would ever get a virus on any OS, I'd immediately format (I haven't gotten a virus since 1997 and that was because I infected myself with 405 different viruses before I formatted to see what happened).

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I've checked the list.  There are no real virous threats out there for MacOSX and/or Linux.  No they would not be fucked since it has to happen first in the wild.

 Since this MacOSX virous thing is in the news at least provide a link, otherwize as usual your talking out of your arse.

You infected yourself.  Good going idiot.

quote:I agree with this, however; viruses are very easily preventable. I think it's either a lack of knowledge about computers, or laziness.
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Lack of knowledge is one thing but bad M$ software is a nother.  

quote:Outlook is not tied to the OS. No software seperate from Windows is completely tied into the OS. It may use registry entries and API hooks, but other than that, it is not. I've NEVER seen any Microsoft piece of software crash the OS because it crashed and it's "tied to the OS".
--- End quote ---

Of course not!  You had a career that lasted one day.  And yes it is tied to the OS.  I've seen outlook crash and bring down the OS so has billions of other people.  Google to see...

BSD and Linux have open-source software for most things. If a program sucks and is poorly written, someone can go re-write it. In fact, it happens all of the time. You can't compare open-source to commercial gook like you're trying to. They are entirely two different beasts and yes, almost all problems with the Windows OS (actual problems, not complaints) are caused by 3rd party software. No one understands how to write 3rd party software correctly. They seem to go into it half-assed knowing a little bit about a language (I swear I've had someone ask me how to package a .Net program at least twice a week. LEARN ABOUT THE FUCKING LANGUAGE YOU'RE PROGRAMMING IN! ). Also, I have a $2,000 laptop. It has worked strongly for the past 9 months with out one format. Neither Gentoo, nor Windows XP (dual boot) slow down AT ALL. They both operate as if it's the day they got installed.
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Sure, keep blaming other people.  I'm not comparing Open Source with windows.  What I am comparing though is the quality of the OS.   It seems then that even M$ windows programmers don't know what they are writing in.  Only the virus makers.  

Good for you that your laptop works.  many people I know can't stand windows just because it did crash on a brand new system.  So if 3rd party drivers were at fault then why does a brand new system crash?  

No OSX hasn't done this comming right off the shelf.

quote:I also started using Windows back with Windows 3.1 and I've never seen a "DLL EXCEPTION". I've seen exceptions, but it never said it was specifically due to a DLL. Most of the times if I get them (I haven't seen one in years not counting the programs I've written which I've thrown exceptions on purpose before) it means bad ram.
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If it is bad ram then why does the same machine work flaulessly in Linux/Unix???  I've also used windows since Windows3.1 and guess what ever since Windows 95 and up I've seen millions of error messages.  Usualy because of a currupt registr, a bad dll file somewhere in the system or one has forgot that windows does need a scan check and a defrag every couple of days.  Then there is the bloat, spyware, malware, virouses etc.....  That could also cause a problem.


quote:That is about the dumbest thing I've heard on this website thus far.
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Post another comment and that will be the dumbest thing you've heard so far.


quote:Yet I get bitched at for not providing facts when I say something is crap.

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You got bitched at because your not providing facts.  You just provided free links to pick up bad softare.  Thats not a fact.  Now how about that OSX artical you keep mentioning?

quote:Also, no shit the majority of people are not "original equipment manufacturer". Idiot. I'm willing to bet that roughly 75%-80% of all MS software is sold OEM.
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I agree.  So why do OEM's crash.  Why are they so unstable?  Arn't they pre-built with windows in mind?  

quote:Wow, just wow.... really man, if you have to ask a question whinningly, it's quite obvious that's you're whinning about my bitching. Just shut the fuck up you stupid moron.
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Haha, yes you should take your own advice.  Just shut the fuck up you stupid moron.

And your the only one whinning here.  See posts you have made above.

quote:You must not have been using unix for long at all. You never heard of the The Thompson Hack? That is definately not an exploit since it is malicious in nature.
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If your talking about bliss, then you really are an idiot!  The 'Thompson hack' and Bliss were consept viruses to bring awarness that it is possible to infect Linux/Unix.  But if you followed the link you would realize why it is virtualy impossible in the real world  to infext Linux/Unix/OSX vs M$ Os'es.

quote:I honestly hope you do not use kmail. That is such a horrible program. I cannot STAND it. Evolution > *
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Well, I don't use kmail.  But I don't use evolution eather.  But that is your opinion if you do not like that particular program.

quote:They do not back up your statements at all. The first is a link to a biased article writting to compare apples to apples when both are not apples.
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Sure, what I provide is 'biast.'  But what ever you say is fact even when your planly talking out of your arse!

At least IU provided links not pull things right out of the air.

quote:If Linux and OS X became more popular, you'd see a SHITLOAD more viruses on both platforms.
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That is just as dumb as saying that the world is flat!!!  Apache is the most widly used server OS on Linux  and guess what its not nearly as vulnrable as Windows and IIS.  Linux IS more secure.  You can believe what you want but you cant change the facts.

quote:It might even become as many as what is on Windows but since you're currently in the minority, no one gives a shit about you.
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Everyday I meet at least one person who is sick of what windows is causing them and that is another Linux user as far as i'm the minority.  

Well Linux, it seems is, surpassing OSX on the desktop.  It has already surpassed windows on the server.


quote:Virus writters like to prey on the stupid and weak, and since all PCs are sold with Windows on them, most PC users are stupid... and probably weak (heh).
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No doubt.  That and coupled with a weak OS like M$ spells trouble.

quote:That was a half-assed explination but your arguement is half-assed.
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maby.  but its a hole-ass explination compared to yours.



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