All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs

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Very good discussions going on thus far.  Makes for a very entertaining read, with good points on both sides.

But a major pet peave of mine....the plural form of virus is viruses....not virii.


quote:Originally posted by Rio:
Very good discussions going on thus far.  Makes for a very entertaining read, with good points on both sides.

But a major pet peave of mine....the plural form of virus is viruses....not virii.
--- End quote ---

does it matter?

i think most people like to use virii cause its latin and only smart people know latin.

OFF TOPIC: the latin word for "with" is "cum". i laugh at that every time i hear it in latin class.


quote:Originally posted by The Stiller:

does it matter?

i think most people like to use virii cause its latin and only smart people know latin.

OFF TOPIC: the latin word for "with" is "cum". i laugh at that every time i hear it in latin class.
--- End quote ---


"I play games usually with a concole"


"I play games usually cum a concole"

This is a link of a BSOD gallery.  It is actually one of the members. WMD I think.   But as you can see there are tones of them everywhere including on home machines

Yet another news story of another M$ virus.  What if Linux was there?  Would the damage be the same?



Thats been explained by my 'biast' artical.

But look at what M$ has caused.  How is the users to blame when it doesn't even need user intervention to get infected?


quote:Originally posted by The Stiller:

does it matter?

i think most people like to use virii cause its latin and only smart people know latin.

OFF TOPIC: the latin word for "with" is "cum". i laugh at that every time i hear it in latin class.
--- End quote ---

Nope, doesn't matter in the greater scheme of things.  Like I said...just a pet peave of mine.  I've since lost the link to a very good article explaining why the latin plural form didn't fit virus, and that virii was actually plural for something entirely different.  Perhaps I'll google it sometime out of curiosity...

It's one of those things that bugs me like using to instead of too or two.  Understandable for folks who's first language wasn't english....but kind of disappointing when folks from the US just don't know any better.  It's kind of like claiming to be a expert programmer...and not knowing the proper ways to use arrays.

LOL and for the record...I promise I'm NOT an english teacher.  Sorry for going off topic...


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