All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs

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quote:Originally posted by Viper:
OSX article@
--- End quote ---

The people that are making a big issue with OSX vulnrabilities is @Stake and eeye digital security.  Both firms that have been working with M$.  

Of course they would.  Thanks to M$ buggy software there is a need for such an industry.  But also there were only 5 vulnrabilties, they are not in the wild or kiddies were using them and the patches were there right away.  

And to top it off those patches will not break the hole OS which happens quite frequently in M$ Os'es.

(An end user with the broken OS problem.)  I've been there too.


kascar was going on about some virus that was devistating OSX users.  Haven't seen the link to that yet   :D
[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]


^^^ Wow.... yeah, you're definately just trolling to get me away
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

kascar was going on about some virus that was devistating OSX users.  Haven't seen the link to that yet    :D  

--- End quote ---

Find where I said that because I specifically said a vulnerability came out that virus writers could abuse.

Anyway, I conceed. This thread is a huge waste of time and since I'm lazy, there is no way in hell I feel like replying to all of that. In all honestly, I still cannot believe how ignorant -=Solaris.M.K.A=- is, yet he keeps posting the same, wrong[/i] facts.

wait... he's getting back at me for trolling isn't he? That has to be the only logical answer because no one person could be as dumb as him... I mean, seriously, "OS X vulnerability" with google and the first links have exactly what he wants and everything else is accessable from the MSDN front page yet he is still complaining I didn't "provide proof".

[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: Kasracer ]


quote:^^^ Wow.... yeah, you're definately just trolling to get me away
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Nope, since I'm not the one spreading wild imaginative accusations.

quote:Find where I said that because I specifically said a vulnerability came out that virus writers could abuse.
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Right here:

 There was a recent OS X virus that was going around that really crippled a lot of systems and there is almost no virus scanning software for OS X so a lot of Mac users were uberly fucked.

quote:Anyway, I conceed. This thread is a huge waste of time and since I'm lazy, there is no way in hell I feel like replying to all of that.
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Well it is to someone who comes on here with no point whinning their heads off.

quote:In all honestly, I still cannot believe how ignorant -=Solaris.M.K.A=- is, yet he keeps posting the same, wrong facts.
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Look in the mirror you'll find someone who is TRULY ignorant.  Wrong facts?  what facts are wrong?  Again you have prooven nothing, other than the fact that you are a lazy, boring old troll that likes to spread the same ol' FUD!!!

It looks like your the only one here thats spreading the 'wrong facts.'

quote:wait... he's getting back at me for trolling isn't he? That has to be the only logical answer because no one person could be as dumb as him...
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you really are a moron!  hahaha lol

quote:I mean, seriously, "OS X vulnerability" with google and the first links have exactly what he wants
--- End quote ---

How is that?  That one link only links to an artical explaining that there were 5 vulnrebilites found and that there was a patch avilable for them.

It was not some nasty virus that you keep spouting about.  

quote:and everything else is accessable from the MSDN front page yet he is still complaining I didn't "provide proof".
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Because you didn't you nugget!  You spouted all this rhetoric so its up to you to back up your statment.  Proove its on MSDN, don't just say it is.

Of course its the same crap, just a different day!

[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: -=Solaris.M.K.A=- ]

You're missing E3 now
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

Right here:

--- End quote ---
I must of been thinking something else at the time, my bad. I did say it was a vulnerability several different times afterwards
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
Well it is to someone who comes on here with no point whinning their heads off.

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Include yourself into this category
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:
Look in the mirror you'll find someone who is TRULY ignorant. Wrong facts? what facts are wrong? Again you have prooven nothing, other than the fact that you are a lazy, boring old troll that likes to spread the same ol' FUD!!!

It looks like your the only one here thats spreading the 'wrong facts.'

--- End quote ---
I haven't spread any wrong facts unless you count the one little OS X "virus" I said only once about. You, on the other hand, has spout out literally houndreds of incorrect facts, all of which could have been verified taking a little trip of the MSDN.

I am not the ignorant one. If you actually took the time to go browse the MSDN, you would find that almost everything you've said about MS is just wrong. I'm not going to do it for you, you're a big boy.
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

you really are a moron! hahaha lol
--- End quote ---
If you consider me a moron, then you must consider yourself mentally disabled otherwise you're just being a hypocrite again.
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

It was not some nasty virus that you keep spouting about.
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No, you keep "spouting about" it. I only mentioned it earlier and I later said it was a vulnerability.
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

Because you didn't you nugget!  You spouted all this rhetoric so its up to you to back up your statment.  Proove its on MSDN, don't just say it is.

--- End quote ---

Prove it's on the MSDN? What are you, 8 years old?


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