All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs

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quote:I must of been thinking something else at the time, my bad. I did say it was a vulnerability several different times afterwards
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No you didn't, you kept stating about how MAcOSX had this virus going around amoung the basic trolling that you were doing.

quote:Include yourself into this category
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Can't, I'm not a complete moron like yourself.

quote:I haven't spread any wrong facts unless you count the one little OS X "virus" I said only once about. You, on the other hand, has spout out literally houndreds of incorrect facts, all of which could have been verified taking a little trip of the MSDN.
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Agian with the MSDN.  Again your still spouting usless rehtoric.  

quote:I am not the ignorant one. If you actually took the time to go browse the MSDN, you would find that almost everything you've said about MS is just wrong. I'm not going to do it for you, you're a big boy.
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Of course i am, but you on the other hand want me to hold your hand like a mommas boy.  What cant use a computer?

quote:If you consider me a moron, then you must consider yourself mentally disabled otherwise you're just being a hypocrite again.
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To be a hypocrite I have to spout off the same mindless troll exuses as you.  I have not so your the onl one here thats acting like a three year old.

quote:No, you keep "spouting about" it. I only mentioned it earlier and I later said it was a vulnerability.
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Of course.  Everyone else is wrong BUT you!  Goes with your retardo like attitude.

quote:Prove it's on the MSDN? What are you, 8 years old?
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If i'm 8 then you must be in the age braket of 5!  Since you want me to hold your hand every damn time.

Your quite the pathetic indevidual.

And what happend to this post is shit?  Oh thats right you want to proove to everyone else here that your the master of all.  Even if you cannot back up your claims.

Here i'll hold your hand till you grow up, k.

the home page of MSDN!  It doesn't explain why their OS is such shit, why there is so many crashes, viruses, and other usless crap.

Ok, now you guys are starting to just act like children. Can both of you just stuff it please?


quote:Originally posted by xeen:
Ok, now you guys are starting to just act like children. Can both of you just stuff it please?
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Yea, your right.  Its his choice to fall for an obsolite product.  

And I have to admit with out people like kascar we wouldn't have idiots that just buy anything and thus make the good ol' economy go around.

Also windows is grand for infecting an OS has never been easier.  Could you imagin everyone running a secure OS like OSX and Linux. It would be boring because no one will be able to get infected.  

  :D    :cool:        


quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

No you didn't, you kept stating about how MAcOSX had this virus going around amoung the basic trolling that you were doing.
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What part of once don’t you understand? You keep bring up the “OS X Virus”, not I.
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

Can't, I'm not a complete moron like yourself.

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Then you must be a troll. If you claim you are neither a troll or a moron, then in actuality; you are a moron.
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

Of course i am, but you on the other hand want me to hold your hand like a mommas boy. What cant use a computer?

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Hold my hand? You’re the one who can’t use Google or explore a fucking webpage but yet, you’re holding my hand? Get a fucking clue
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

To be a hypocrite I have to spout off the same mindless troll exuses as you. I have not so your the onl one here thats acting like a three year old.

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Okay, you posted a URL to the MSDN. You obviously have been there. If you STILL[/i] think your mindless ignorance on Longhorn is correct, then you have to be blind or you’re just really that stupid.

This is why I think you’re just trolling me. I am hoping you’re really not as stupid as you seem to be.
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

Of course. Everyone else is wrong BUT you! Goes with your retardo like attitude.

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No, not everyone else is wrong. It’s just you who are wrong on most of your points. Xeen made some decent points, some of which I even agreed on.

What the hell is a retardo attitude anyway? That’s not even a word….
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

Since you want me to hold your hand every damn time.

Your quite the pathetic indevidual.

Here i'll hold your hand till you grow up, k.

the home page of MSDN!  It doesn't explain why their OS is such shit, why there is so many crashes, viruses, and other usless crap.
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You call me pathetic, yet you're trying to say you're holding MY hand? You couldn't even go to the MSDN and when you finally do, you have to post a URL like it's some sort of acheivement for you?

You have no fucking clue what the MSDN is even for or what my point was. I NEVER fucking said the MSDN "explains why there are viruses and crashes and other useless crap on windows". NEVER did I fucking say that. I said it backs up every claim about Longhorn I made (except for TCP/IP) that you kept saying was completely wrong.

The Microsoft Knowledge base will show you the reasons why Windows crashes.

There is a section that talks about viruses and how to protect yourself but not why there are as many as there are. Viruses are not Microsoft's fault, exploits and holes are.

Since "useless crap" is an opinion, it obviously isn't on their Website (why the fuck would you even expect to see a reason why there is "useless crap" in the OS on a development site?)
quote:Originally posted by xeen:
Ok, now you guys are starting to just act like children. Can both of you just stuff it please?
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What do you mean both of us? Have you even read his troll-ish responces? They're worse than mine and the worst part of it is that he thinks he is right.

quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

And I have to admit with out people like kascar we wouldn't have idiots that just buy anything and thus make the good ol' economy go around.

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I don't buy anything. The last two and only Microsoft products I've ever bought was Windows XP Pro and Office 2003 Pro for $50 total. $50 is nothing and I don't feel like using Wine and Samba on Linux just so I don't use Windows. It's just easier to use the OS for whatever I need.
quote:Originally posted by -=Solaris.M.K.A=-:

Could you imagin everyone running a secure OS like OSX and Linux. It would be boring because no one will be able to get infected.  

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Windows can be just as secure. The problem is, to make any of those OSes secure you have to know what you're doing.

I currently run a FreeBSD server for apache and FTP. I use Linux when I want to host any dedicated game servers and every so often, I make a DC Hub with Windows. I could guarentee you no one could get into any of the 3 OSes.

[ May 11, 2004: Message edited by: Kasracer ]


quote:What do you mean both of us? Have you even read his troll-ish responces? They're worse than mine and the worst part of it is that he thinks he is right.
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Well xeen, now we know who the real child is.  Hes still trolling!  Again different day same ignorant, rhetoric, babble.

Calls me wrong while he can't admit that hes the only idiot here posting the same crap oevr and over again!

I guess he can't do anything for himself.  Calls me an 'idiot' just because he hasn't backed up one thing he has trolled on!  Has not shown any information!  And keeps on going.


I've prooved enough that kascar is a fool. Some people like him will never grow up and always believes that hes the only right one here.

He could of been right if he had prooved it! But that is way to complicated for him   :D    


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