All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Longhorn 3718: Anti-iCandy and resource hogs

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quote:Windows can be just as secure. The problem is, to make any of those OSes secure you have to know what you're doing.
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I agree on this point.  But even a very good windows admin STILL gets infected.  

I don't buy anything. The last two and only Microsoft products I've ever bought was Windows XP Pro and Office 2003 Pro for $50 total. $50 is nothing and I don't feel like using Wine and Samba on Linux just so I don't use Windows. It's just easier to use the OS for whatever I need.

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Well, alot of people do.  I have friends that have baught a new laptop with Xp and the damn thing keeps crashing.  A laptop that was built with xp in mind.  

Not everyone is a windows-programmer, an MSCE or some other windows cert.  Most people buy windows because thats the only thing there that comes default on the machines and each time its the same thing as the older versions of windows.  

Then you must be a troll. If you claim you are neither a troll or a moron, then in actuality; you are a moron.

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LOL, see the post you have made above!  I rest my case!  I bet you'll just keep going and going though.  I guess your too stupid to face the fact of what you call other people in this forum.


What part of once don

::eats more pop-corn::

Ah, w@tC|-|iNg T400lz g3t 0wn3D. | l0v3 iT.


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