Author Topic: For crying outloud, XP SUX !  (Read 1041 times)


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For crying outloud, XP SUX !
« Reply #15 on: 3 April 2003, 02:52 »
Originally posted by Calum: crusader for peace & freedom:
put them in front of openoffice and they will never know the difference (except that they will suddenly be able to open star and open office documents).

They're eyes just glaze over and I get blanks looks. Besides, it took a huge effort to get some fuckwit users to just use M$ Office ! The organisation I work for, Office '97 is deployed and I am loathe to upgrade to M$ anything else.Outlook (or Lookout Express) is the e-mail client of choicce because they have it on their home PCs. Every fucking day some fuckwit opens a virus.Most PCs are sitting at Window$ 98 and Office 97 and I am itching to get to Linux. About 25 to 30 PCs. I'm using Suse 8.0 professional and loving it ! KDE, Star Office, it's just the job. I would love to deploy Linux and kick M$ oot the door. I hate XP so I instruct no XP upgrades and get Win 2000 if you must.
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