All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software


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Browsing this forums (me being a Winhell user) Is frighteningly similar to browsing a fundamentalist Christian forum as an atheist. Or a PS2 forum as a Gamecube fan. Post after post of fanboy crud, with some small exceptions here and there. Many of them somehow believe that the world should suddenly outlaw Windows, and all PC's be burned (much akin to the Nazi's marshmellow roasting parties) Claims of simply touching a copy of XP at the store, and your computer at home bursting into flames, engulfing your house, and killing your cat. (with little or no proof) Sure, Windows has some kinks, and advanced users can do better, but the common computer owner doesn't care that much about his OS. They just wanna d/l thier Mp3's and write thier e-mails to try to get a spot on Springer.

So.. um. Keep up the good work. It's quite entertaining.

interesting that someone with this opinion chooses to call their topic "fanboys".

firstly, you're exaggerating.

Secondly, what do you expect from a site that's called ""?

Thirdly, if you want to use windows, fine, use it. Get your mp3s and your word processing done and feel good inside about it.

The problem most people here have with Microsoft is not their software, but their business practices. Understand?
True, their business practices lead them to release a lot of bad software, but it isn't because they can't release good software, it's to keep people begging for bug fixes and upgrades.
Microsoft have a strong commitment to stopping people using operating systems other than their own, they create file formats that are supposed to only be usable by M$ programs, and they send lawyers to hunt down other software companies. They also release inconsistent and outdated versions of other vendors' free plugins et cetera to defame those vendors' reputations.

What i'm saying is M$ want us to have no choice in what software we use.
The people here say "fuck that, give me a choice!"
so we are really saying "fuck Microsoft, they have been fucking us for years." and if, after all that explanation you STILL don't agree with me then....

fuck you   :D

[ March 11, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

i think WinXP is a nice desktop OS... so its Win2K... but i still hate microsoft... i use Win2K for games, everything else is linux.  Its not because i think linux is better, its because microsoft is evil

oh PS, you sexist pig, its Fanpeople! :-P

[ March 11, 2002: Message edited by: kinky ]


There's plenty of people like me who don't post much but are perfectly rational about MS.

I don't like their software nor their "buisness practices" (that coin is used plenty here). I like this forum because most people in the world love MS and they don't know why, they have no experience with other products, they stand up for MS with no feet to stand on.

Here few like MS, but at least everyone has a reason for hating them, and I happen to agree with most of them.


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