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one of the reasons that unix was free was because the deal that bell labs made with the federal government from the monopoly suit. they really did not have a choice or they would of charged for the program.they also developed other stuff which i cant remeber off hand. so bell labs is not a saint either. people love to make money.


quote:Originally posted by joe_mojo:
one of the reasons that unix was free was because the deal that bell labs made with the federal government from the monopoly suit. they really did not have a choice or they would of charged for the program.they also developed other stuff which i cant remeber off hand. so bell labs is not a saint either. people love to make money.
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I meant the *actual* creators of UNIX, and not the company they worked for.  Ken Thompson most notable in creating UNIX, and rewrote "C" which was originally created by Dennis Ritchie.

And here's an interesting map of how all of today's UNIX OSs branched from the orginal:


quote:A linux system, once installed, should never need fixing, especially when operated by a novice user because they can't screw anything up (it's not like they know how to log in as root and type rm -rf /)
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well if they can't fuck it up, how are people going to make money fixing it ?   ;)      :D  
(actually i bet some people think that's a serious question! shame...)

As to how advanced a computer user is, computers are a complicated thing these days, and you do need to be clued up to use one.
If you are only doing bog standard stuff like looking at web pages, listening to mp3s and typing yr dissertation or whatever, you can use any OS and any set of programs and if you are happy using that set of software then great! i just opine that linux gives you more options to springboard from in case you want to learn more...
Myself, i find that the more i learn about computers, the more i find out i still don't know, on a logarythmically increasing scale!

[ March 18, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]

And so, as expected. Another conversation is turned completely around into a "My os can beat up ur os" brawl, with some old fashioned name calling tosed in (seems like a fanboy trait to me). Not that I Really expected much else.

well if you're so superior, then why don't you fuck off?

that comment should make you feel even more self righteous than you already did!   ;)  

If you can't get a "my OS is better than your OS" brawl going on in the "windows operating systems" section of the "" forums then WHERE CAN YOU?
I suppose you expect everybody to say:
"oh hang on, this guy's right, my OS is a bunch of crap compared with windows.

yeah right, wake up, FelTch101...

quote:Fett101, Junior Member (how apt) said this:
What other OS would they use otherwise. Only macs can run that OS. And Linux would give any newbie a headache.
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Sounds like somebody's pretty eager to join in with the "whose OS is better" argument eh? if you're so much better than everybody else here, then why didn't you just rise above it like the good catholic saint you obviously are?

(what a fucktard.)

[ March 19, 2002: Message edited by: Calum ]


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