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quote:well if you're so superior, then why don't you fuck off?
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Simple. The entertainment value.

quote:I suppose you expect everybody to say:
"oh hang on, this guy's right, my OS is a bunch of crap compared with windows.
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Nah. I expected a few people to address the main topic, and some other bs. Nowhere did I actually insult any OS.

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Petty name calling. Remember. I'm rubber, and ur glue.

quote:Sounds like somebody's pretty eager to join in with the "whose OS is better" argument eh?
--- Quote ---NO, I was stating an opinion, and did not "dis" any OS in that statement. Ur just too razzed up to see that.

--- Quote ---(what a fucktard.)
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More name calling.
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By calling us fanboys you imply a level of incompitance, futility and ignorance to our claims. Fanboy would denote someone with unresonable belifes or aligances, yet we all think what we do, from experience and because of very valid reasons, how does this make us fanboys?

If someone were to somehow convince me that WinXP was better than OSX and that M$ was an Ethical company, then ya, I'd switch. But the fact's are glaring, and we are all reacting.

[ March 19, 2002: Message edited by: psyjax ]

yes well, feltchy, at least i put a proper name on here in the first place, it's hardly name calling when yr name is actually just some stuff and some numbers,

plus, what a load of crap! you started up a topic called fanboys, and then ranted on about fundamentalism et c, in the hope of stirring up an argument! no problem there, i'm here for the entertainment value too, but it's pretty pathetic to do that, then lie about it afterwards, especially when the evidence is there for all to see...

actually insulting the posters, as you did, is definitely more serious than just insulting someone's choice of software, so button it, fucktard.

In case you're wondering (i suppose you aren't but who cares?) my occasional name calling is for my entertainment value, and it only gets dished out to priveleged individuals such as yrself.

what can linux provide that windows doesnt?

Enlightenment. Piece of mind. Happiness.

[ March 21, 2002: Message edited by: VoidMain ]


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