All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

For crying outloud, XP SUX !

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quote:Originally posted by Calum: crusader for peace & freedom:
put them in front of openoffice and they will never know the difference (except that they will suddenly be able to open star and open office documents).
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They're eyes just glaze over and I get blanks looks. Besides, it took a huge effort to get some fuckwit users to just use M$ Office ! The organisation I work for, Office '97 is deployed and I am loathe to upgrade to M$ anything else.Outlook (or Lookout Express) is the e-mail client of choicce because they have it on their home PCs. Every fucking day some fuckwit opens a virus.Most PCs are sitting at Window$ 98 and Office 97 and I am itching to get to Linux. About 25 to 30 PCs. I'm using Suse 8.0 professional and loving it ! KDE, Star Office, it's just the job. I would love to deploy Linux and kick M$ oot the door. I hate XP so I instruct no XP upgrades and get Win 2000 if you must.


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