All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
The Windows Media Player 9 EULA
This is a complete copy of an article I just posted on , a web site set up by Panos. (For those who dont know Panos, he was a regular poster here until a little while ago when he decided to spend his time mantaining a website specifically for "open source" software.) The site itself is a great one for all news Free Software / Open Source by the way.
Article begins:
Given that I recently managed to find a copy of the WMP9 (Windows Media Player 9) EULA, (well actually I halfway installed WMP9 then copied and pasted the EULA, thus accounting for bad DOS linebreaks) I thought it would be good to show everyone exactly what you are agreeing to in those screens were you just click "agree" and move on. For anyone who doesn't know, the EULA is the End User License Agreement, which most Non Free companies use to inhibit your rights and increase your obligations.
The first text is the full EULA (including translations, as editing it could lead to accusations of tampering) and the second text is important excerpts with my comments.
Also note that this piece is almost certainly not approved of by Microsoft, and the views are my own. This is in the public domain if you actually care. Please try and check this against a version you can find rather than trust my word that this is unmodified - I wouldn't want Microsoft to sue me because I missed a full stop in my copying and pasting.
It's about as bad as I heard it was.
Not as bad as I was hearing about. I was expecting
"You disavow all claims of your soul to Microsoft", but nope. That's not on there.
eep i never read them, looks like next time i install ill need a pot of coffie and alot of free time
quote:Originally posted by Xp Convert:
eep i never read them, looks like next time i install ill need a pot of coffie and alot of free time
--- End quote ---
dont forget the ky jelly.
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