All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows Explorer
Windows Explorer seems to be the main cause of problems with my Windows XP system, after a few days it starts sucking up all avalible RAM and makes my system very slow and unstable, is there anyway to remove Explorer and replace it with something better? Perhaps Gnome or something, i dunno.
That's all I'm saying.
You cannot get rid of Explorer as such. It's tied into the operating system - just like it shouldn't be.
Try Mozilla or Firefox for your browsing
Use one of those and ignore Explorer.
The LiteStep page... er... they don't actualy say what it is? Why so coy?
PS If its Windows Explorer being the problem - which it is anyway - try Explorerx2
I have only just download this myself as I use 2xExplorer which is discontinued.
It's much faster than Win Explorer and such a small download it's worth it just to try.
To date every bit of MS software I have replaced has been better. I now appreciate why geeky coders keep saying MS software is very poor.
It's not just MS bashing it's MS software isn't actually very good.
[ July 20, 2004: Message edited by: zolo ]
quote:zolo: You cannot get rid of Explorer as such. It's tied into the operating system - just like it shouldn't be.
--- End quote ---
Wrong ;) you can run Windows 2000/XP/Server 2003 without Explorer, and using LiteStep and Total Commander.
But of course, Linux is better than Windows
I don't have any problem with Explorer. no crashes, no other issues.
Only thing I don't like about it are the vague "file replace" dialogs, and its crappy handling of file copy/file move errors
but then, OS X has an equally crappy method of handling errors
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