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Windows Explorer

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Yes, explorer in XP is incredibly unstable and full of bugs. Use Win2k or use Linux.


quote:xeen: Yes, explorer in XP is incredibly unstable and full of bugs. Use Win2k or use Linux.
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JimmyJames was talking about this problem in general. For example: you copy a directory with 83 files from a CD to your hd. One of the files in the dir is broken. Windows will now discontinue the copying of the rest of the dir.

I used to use litestep, but it is slow as hell on an athlon XP 2200+ with 512 MB of system RAM and a 128 MB Geforce FX5200.

Just like XFree86, litstep is slow as hell.


quote:Originally posted by Sauron: gone:
I used to use litestep, but it is slow as hell on an athlon XP 2200+ with 512 MB of system RAM and a 128 MB Geforce FX5200.

Just like XFree86, litstep is slow as hell.
--- End quote ---

You really think so?  I started using that and it hasn't been slow at all.  Then again, I'm using the default skin.


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