All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Why the treachary
I was browsing Microsoft's website and I came across some very poorly formatted text. Out of curiousity I told Mozilla to identify itself as IE, and, well pictures speak louder than words:
Identifying as Mozilla
Identifying as IE 6 on XP
My question to Microsoft is... WHY????
[ November 02, 2002: Message edited by: Windows XP User #5225982375 ]
Could you or someone else do me a huge favor? Do a "Save Page As" for each user agent setting on that page and put them somewhere (I know I could unblock Microsoft and do it, but I would have to go through a lot more than that as I *really* have them blocked out including empty DNS zones). I would like to compare the difference in source that the spit out based on the user agent. I should be able to formulate an opinion if there were some bad intentions here.
[ November 02, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]
quote:Originally posted by void main:
Could you or someone else do me a huge favor? Do a "Save Page As" for each user agent setting on that page and put them somewhere (I know I could unblock Microsoft and do it, but I would have to go through a lot more than that as I *really* have them blocked out including empty DNS zones). I would like to compare the difference in source that the spit out based on the user agent. I should be able to formulate an opinion if there were some bad intentions here.
[ November 02, 2002: Message edited by: void main ]
--- End quote ---
Page received when identifying as IE 6
Page receieved when identifying as Mozilla
Thank you sir!
Actually on your second posting there appear errors in both pictures.
I have found that this effect is often reduced and/or removed by specifying Mozilla and Opera to have a minimum font size of say 12 pts. This also helps in that sites with small font fine print cannot get away with it so easily.
And it makes sites look better for some reason. I think because I prefer a font size that I can read comfortably.
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