All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Why the treachary

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quote:Originally posted by pkd:
Actually on your second posting there appear errors in both pictures.

I have found that this effect is often reduced and/or removed by specifying Mozilla and Opera to have a minimum font size of say 12 pts. This also helps in that sites with small font fine print cannot get away with it so easily.

And it makes sites look better for some reason. I think because I prefer a font size that I can read comfortably.
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My minimum font size was 12 pts when I took those screenshots.

Fair enough, wasn't a criticsm anyway  

What I'd like to know is if this is just one example of incompetent HTML authoring and insufficient testing on alternative browsers, or a preview of something far more sinister?


quote:Originally posted by Windows XP User #5225982375:
What I'd like to know is if this is just one example of incompetent HTML authoring and insufficient testing on alternative browsers, or a preview of something far more sinister?
--- End quote ---

Can it not be both?

Hmmm, call me stoopid, but I don't get it.
What could be sinister about this?
I mean , this is just typical M$ behavior as far as I'm concerned, if M$ had the control it wanted we couldn't browse the web with anything else than IE.


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