Author Topic: They installed WindozeXP at work :-(  (Read 1085 times)


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They installed WindozeXP at work :-(
« on: 26 July 2003, 01:22 »
Im head Cashier at work and our windoze2k3 box kept restarting itself, (Nothing to do with win2k3, cough, cough) So guess what they bought a new PC for me and decided to upgrade to XP. I asked them not to..... But our Windows IT department (small department who will die soon i hope) in their wisdom decided not to.

So i give them a month and ill watch them reinstall it saying i did something wrong.

I cant stand XP cus its fast'ish at the start, but once you start using it (not even installing software, just using it) it slows to a ground breaking speed. If it was a car it would get a ticket for curb crawling.

But still i dont understand why they don't use linux, We only use the IE web browser(Could use moziller) and Outlook(Evolution is much better)

Anyways just wanted to get this off my chest


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They installed WindozeXP at work :-(
« Reply #1 on: 26 July 2003, 01:49 »
I have only used XP for a week or so before I deleted it, so I can't confirm that it gets slower. It sure crashed a lot, though.

By the way, you are probably referring to Windows 2000 Professional, not 2003. Windows 2003 is a server OS, and it is very unlikely that your department would downgrade from 2003 to XP, unless they are really THAT thick.


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They installed WindozeXP at work :-(
« Reply #2 on: 26 July 2003, 08:26 »
when your comp starts breaking again just pop in a suse live eval. and when your boss comes by tell him that xp is so bad that you have to use suse to get your work done. oh btw have a stack of print-outs from the web verifing your statement when the it guy comes around.
im sure your boss will be happy to hear that linux does a better job for nothing as apposed the the hundreds of dollars he just burned on xp.
that might give the it guy heartburn..
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They installed WindozeXP at work :-(
« Reply #3 on: 28 July 2003, 15:07 »
For some reason managers have a real fear that *nix is not some how supported, that theres no recourse if something goes wrong. Usually the argument goes, there's no support for *nix and there is for M$, everyone works with M$ so there will be plenty of help should we need it. To me this is just a false sense of economy, because you sure are going to need the support if you use M$ crap as it will always be fucking up. I left my last company when they "forced" me to use M$ products, I'm a developer and they said "all development should be done of Windblows". Utter tripe. So I left.  What perhaps would be good thing for you to do would be to get a report together, just a few pages, on what the benefits are over M$. Cite some current examples of successful *nix usage. Highlight the savings for your company, both monetary and it terms of reduced down times and the constant round of patching. Also suggest that if the network need less maintenance then the IT dept might actually be able to do something usefull with the extra time other that just keeping afloat all the time. I think just swaping your machine to *nix might get you the sack.

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They installed WindozeXP at work :-(
« Reply #4 on: 28 July 2003, 15:18 »
Would be kinda funny though...  Or even funnier see if you can sneak a copy of Knoppix into all the CD drives for the IT departments computers.  See how long it takes em to figure out.   :D
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They installed WindozeXP at work :-(
« Reply #5 on: 28 July 2003, 16:33 »
Originally posted by Faust:
Would be kinda funny though...  Or even funnier see if you can sneak a copy of Knoppix into all the CD drives for the IT departments computers.  See how long it takes em to figure out.    :D  

They'd never "figure" it out...  :D
The MES Anti-Prude Force
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