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Why I can only use iexplorer to browse the internet?

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I work for a major national company...and i access the net mostly from work...everything was great, till they decided to change the os on the net server from redhat to win2k. So, now, everything is going in/out through a new proxy/firewall...the problem is that now i can only use iexplorer to access the internet...any other browser or program won't work...even if i set the correct proxy adress and firewall. Any ideas?


quote:Originally posted by Darkheim:
I work for a major national company...and i access the net mostly from work...everything was great, till they decided to change the os on the net server from redhat to win2k. So, now, everything is going in/out through a new proxy/firewall...the problem is that now i can only use iexplorer to access the internet...any other browser or program won't work...even if i set the correct proxy adress and firewall. Any ideas?
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Don't slap me, but you could put Red Hat back on.

In opera

click file quick preferences

then at the bottom choose identify as MSIE6 (Microsoft Internet Explorer 6)

I think the same can be done for Mozilla.

Best ask someome at work.

Then you can point out the problems with IE, like shit security see

That's general MS problems, click the IE logo for specific IE stuff.

They'll probably say they use IE for security reasons, good time to tell them it's the wrong sort of security reason. hahahaha!

BTW... why did they dump RH for Win 2000?  I'm serious here and would really like to know.


sorry to tell you Linux guys this but you can't always win by being right. he's just an employee, he can't make the company change back to Redhat just because he asks they change it back and he won't convince them just by saying IE is extremely insecure. companies simply don't care about security if the program they are going to have to sacrifice support.
the company probably switched to Windows because Microsoft always provides excellent tech support for companies. although their guys suck ass for helping the average customer, their company tech guys are very effective because MS knows most of its money comes from big companies.

as an answer though, Opera is the way to go because it can identify itself as IE. i can't seem to find anything like that in Mozilla but that doesn't mean it's not there  ;)

the preferences toolbar for mozilla will let you identify as IE. it will also let you disable java from the toolbar, or turn off images, pop-up windows. its pretty much essential to run mozilla (IMO).
Preferences Toolbar Mozilla


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