Author Topic: Why I can only use iexplorer to browse the internet?  (Read 1746 times)


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Why I can only use iexplorer to browse the internet?
« Reply #15 on: 23 May 2003, 11:16 »
because MS is not retarded. they know that if they let people know how the system worked, they would get hacked by every MS hating person out there.


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Why I can only use iexplorer to browse the internet?
« Reply #16 on: 23 May 2003, 22:25 »
Originally posted by ShawnD1:
because MS is not retarded. they know that if they let people know how the system worked, they would get hacked by every MS hating person out there.

so, operating systems that release their entire source code, like FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, GNU and Darwin all get "hacked" all the time do they? (they do, but you don't mean "hacked", you mean "cracked"). Only an operating system that is inherently shit could possibly be threatened by having its source code made public knowledge. Any decent system would be strengthened by opening its source code.

Many people love Microsoft blindly, and those people would probably love to "hack" Linux systems, why don't they? if open source systems are so insecure? If open source software was inherently insecure it would not have become so popular in mission critical situations, and Microsoft would have been paying people to show up these security holes all this time, you can be sure of that.

[ May 23, 2003: Message edited by: The Realist ]

You Younguns Know Nuthin'.


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Why I can only use iexplorer to browse the internet?
« Reply #17 on: 24 May 2003, 01:50 »
Your analogy is slightly flawed. most people who love Microsoft are actually not computer savvy so they couldn't hack unix computers if they wanted to. The MS hating community on the other hand is usualy a bit more skilled with a computer. The average MS hating person is more dangerous than the average unix hating person. Releasing a unix source doesn't make a big problem because few anti-unix people are smart enough to be able to hack any computer at all, be it unix or Windows. MS using the same IIS as most companies would be a complete disaster because any MS hating person would be able to examine and study how IIS worked and how it is flawed then launch attacks on MS.

Knowledge is power, MS doesn't want its enemies to have the power.


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Why I can only use iexplorer to browse the internet?
« Reply #18 on: 8 June 2003, 16:01 »
Ok I spend all day everyday running around companies fixing MS problems, and I can tell you that 99% of companies will ALWAYS stick with MS because the jacka$$ MD's believe the crappy TV advertising and no techie will ever convince them otherwise
MS the OS of the imbecile


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Why I can only use iexplorer to browse the internet?
« Reply #19 on: 8 June 2003, 17:22 »
Reminds of how this year my school "upgraded" Macintosh to Dells equiped with windows 2000 proffesional. It makes me worried.

Doctor V

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Why I can only use iexplorer to browse the internet?
« Reply #20 on: 8 June 2003, 18:31 »
Originally posted by Mauy:
Ok I spend all day everyday running around companies fixing MS problems, and I can tell you that 99% of companies will ALWAYS stick with MS because the jacka$$ MD's believe the crappy TV advertising and no techie will ever convince them otherwise

Yep, this is very true.  Seems the the people with the least sense get to make all the decisions.