All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

Why I can only use iexplorer to browse the internet?

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I'm in a similar predicament
Its been so damn long since I've used that f*cker (Mmm, Mozilla), I forgot what pop-up ads were and that I probably shouldn't go onto less than legitamate websites.


quote:sorry to tell you Linux guys this but you can't always win by being right. he's just an employee, he can't make the company change back to Redhat just because he asks they change it back and he won't convince them just by saying IE is extremely insecure.
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Well fine. If his dumb-ass employer wants him to use IE, then, by God, he should use IE.  ;)   And so should every other employee. That way, the company's systems will be so lousey with WinVirii, ad-ware, spyware and all that other lovely garbage that IE attracts like a magnet, that they'll be begging to reinstall Red Hat in no time.    :D  
Live Free or Die: Linux

"There: now you'll never have to look at those dirty Windows anymore"
      --Daffy Duck

yeah basically  :D

one thing i've always wondered about companies is why they don't put Norton Antivirus on all of the computers. Norton has a thing that scans all incoming and outgoing email for scripts/viruses/trojans. Norton has alerted me several times of a virus attachment. although i have attachments disabled in Outlook (to check hotmail), Norton still alerted me that the virus was there.

you probably can't even count the number of times one of your dumb ass co-workers gets a virus and says something stupid like "well how the hell was i supposed to know it was a virus, it said i love you on it and the attached file was named i_love_you.exe"


quote:BTW... why did they dump RH for Win 2000? I'm serious here and would really like to know.

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Yes, they dumped redhat for win2k...weird, huh? They said win2k servers are more secure, reliable and 'user friendly'..rofl  
And yes, I think one of the reasons is that Microsoft provides excellent tech support for big companies...if something's wrong, our dumb sysadmin is just calling the tech support...

why dont you apply for system tech and reinstall linux and laugh in M$s face


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