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Best OS

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Hi, i am thinking about going off windows, but i dont really know what other OS to use. So could someone please tell me which they think is the best and why

i'm afraid this is a topic that has been done to death. try looking on which is a place that offers a couple of dozen OSs for free download. They are mainly versions of GNU/Linux, and there's also FreeBSD and Slackware. Plus, there's NetBSD and OpenBSD, available elsewhere.

I have heard that for OSs that cost money, you can still get Solaris 8 (but it's unsupported on an x86 processor) or QNX (which i know nothing about)

I suggest going to linuxiso and getting a GNU/Linux. Or since you are in the UK, go to which is a company that will post a full linux distro to you for next to cost price (about

Welcome on board! To be honest there's no 'best' operation system but there are a lot of excellent and good operation systems. (..and none of them is winblows)  :D  

You have to explore and find out what type of system suits your needs... free your mind

it depends what kind of person you are

-people who play games should use Windows
-people who hate reading manuals or would like the OS to wipe thier ass should use Windows
-basically all other people should use Linux including: desktop work, FTP/HTTP servers, game servers and just general stuff like email, internet and ICQ (called LICQ in Linux)


quote:Originally posted by Chooco:
-people who play games should use Windows
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I disagree, they could use linux, or mac and still get shitloads of games, people who really want to play games should get a playstation (better yet, a megadrive and a game gear!!!)
quote:-people who hate reading manuals or would like the OS to wipe thier ass should use Windows
--- End quote ---
This i agree with, those people deserve everything they get, either that or they should not use a computer at all.
quote:-basically all other people should use Linux including: desktop work, FTP/HTTP servers, game servers and just general stuff like email, internet and ICQ (called LICQ in Linux)
--- End quote ---
They could still use OSX, BSD or some other big UNIX and it would be just as good for them, depending on what they do actually want to do... I'm against a linux monopoly just the same as any other monopoly.


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