All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software
Windows vs Linux
With a little time and some object research this is what I have gleaned as some basic differences between windows xp and linux.
What I think that the term user friendly is mistook for idiot proof. It doesn't require much thought on learning how to use windows xp. However, with the lack of thought comes the lack of control. Windows is a control freak of a system. Which doesn't make that much difference to the average user, but when you gain more knowledge you discover some nasty things about windows. Mostly the lack of's a freak'n giant spyware program. Hiding a persons url's and cookies. Hiding inside a word document personal info for the "right" sources to view at leisure. Upon the first update when given the option to except stuff from them (and here we think it is for that session only,ha ha) they take a liberty of leaving a backdoor open for whatever reason, and that's not the remote assistance. A person can get programs to by pass some of this, to a limited degree.
Now what makes Linux superior is that it is not full of spyware. Also the main advantage is choice, you can modify things to your taste. The control that someone has on their system seems to be unlimited. Thereby not idiot proof. But for the average user it requires more thought on using and it can be screwed up very easy if you don't know what your doing. So Linux being "better" than windows (I think) is a perspective but Linux being "superior" to windows (I think) is a fact.
*****These words are being said by (shamefully) a windows xp user who is (proudly) in the process of converting to linux.*****
we know all this already
quote:Originally posted by istruthfull:
*****These words are being said by (shamefully) a windows xp user who is (proudly) in the process of converting to linux.*****
--- End quote ---
Have fun with that.
converting is easy. I rarely boot into windows at home anymore. Of course, i use a mac. And my redhat box gets plenty of use.
Welcome to the clan.
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