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Windows vs Linux

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Well done, you've swallowed the red pill.

i love you

tux loves you

[ September 24, 2003: Message edited by: Xp Convert ]

uhhhhhhhhhhh yeah!!! what he said!

wow looks like we have a lot of new members joining into the clan.

Yay !

Funny thing happened the other day at my father's home. He's used Windows for many years and set up hardware and all in there alot. Funny thing was he just bought a notebook with Windows XP. He had no clue how to even find the applet to set up hardware.  Sure was not under "Printers and Other Hardware". Actually, he had spent many hours before I came over there as the Toshiba has an internal 802.11 but Windows does not detect that with its Hardware Wizard which maybe should be called "Hardware Hack" instead. And I thought Hardware detection was one of the main reasons for going to PCI!


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