All Things Microsoft > Microsoft Software

War against the machine


While, I just took a little visit to the microsoft website, and they asked  to take a survey for them. Now, I would really like to tell you guys what I said, and I would like to spread the word all over the planet, but if I did that, I would make children run scared and grown men weep. I've noticed something, windows doesn't any way for us to express our opinions to the world, maybe they are afraid of what they will see. Little Billy is going down someday, and when it happens, I'm just going to laugh and laugh and laugh. Maybe we will get lucky and he will fall terminally ill. Testiccular cancer, that would be cool. Maybe that would happen if he had any balls, but sadly, he's not even man enough to get that desease. This is only a taste of how I told microsoft to fuck off. I jsut got finished reading about the halloween files, and they are fairly old now, so I'm not to worried about microsoft taking out linux. It's not gong to happen anytime soon, since linux doesn't belong to anybody, not even Linus. If Gates takes out one linux groups twenty more will form until one day the scourge, the beast , the software giant known as Microsoft, trips over it's own fit and dies. FUCK MICROSFT. I wonder if Gates has to pay his wife to have sex with him??? I think that might be something he would do. OH, wait, I almost forgot. NO balls. Here is my predion, gates dies from some horrible desease. Colon cancer, yeah that's it, and then they will have to remove it, but it will be to late and it will spread to his stupid, geeky brain, and the tumors will keep grwoing until his skull sweel, his eyes bulge , and his entire body blows up.  Then the thousands of people he's ripped off will gather at his and take turns pissing and shitting on his grave. I can't wait for the future... Of course this is just my opinion of what should be done, it's only my thought, maybe no one else shares my views...

gates has no balls, damnit, just when i though i could bring da pain.

EDIT: you think you could make the people in this forum weep???, comeon, i think most of us need some good comedy in the form of actaully ms bashing/*like shit some dofus actally has to sit down and read it at redmond*/

[ June 17, 2002: Message edited by: choasforages ]


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