All Things Microsoft > Microsoft as a Company
Dark cloud over good works of Gates Foundation
ho hum.
people just *knowing* this will make very little difference. them *doing* something about it will. of course i suppose they can't do the latter without the former.
and anyway, printing it out is simply helping to fund the deforestation of the world to make way for mcdonalds to raise cheap steroid bred cattle, and for uncle ben to waste the world's water growing rice in equatorial regions.
--- Quote from: Calum ---and anyway, printing it out is simply helping to fund the deforestation of the world to make way for mcdonalds to raise cheap steroid bred cattle, and for uncle ben to waste the world's water growing rice in equatorial regions.
--- End quote ---
See, there is a chain of events, the root of all evil is McDonalds.
no the root of all evil is the letter "M"
McDonald's, Microsoft, Money you get the idea
Motherfuckers, Michaels, Morons
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