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WindowsXP and Winzip

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hello to all,

   I've just notice that windows xp OS can already unextract zip files, i think this is another anti trust case, what do you think?


doubtful, as file archiving utilities have been packaged with OSes since early UNICES in the form of the tar program.

Mac OS 10.3 Panther also supports arch/de-arch within the shell. MS's unzipper is pretty bare-bones and in no way can compete with winzip.

Winzip supports about 15 or 20 different formats including tar, gzip, sit, hqx, bin, and I think lha and arc... the "compressed folders" in windows aren't even fully zip compatible.

any os should be able to do that, microsoft has had it since windows ME. and i've never had to pay for using winzip.

all it is is the old ms-dos pkunzip utility, which has been around since i was using windows 3.11 (most stable version of windows EVER), without the "hassle" of using it from the dos prompt...

[ August 28, 2003: Message edited by: ciaran ]

You can add the free DOS version of PKZip to the right-click menu in any version of Windows, however I prefer RarLab's WinRar.
Microsoft is lame for not doing it 8 years ago.


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